Be Bold, Make Waves with Laura Kåmark

The Power of Podcasting with Purpose with Andria Singletary of Mama Turned Mompreneur

Laura Kåmark Episode 65

Meet Andria:

Andria Singletary is a wife, mom of two, life and business coach for mompreneurs, and the host of the Mama Turned Mompreneur podcast. She is passionate about supporting mompreneurs with building a business that fits their current season of life and doesn’t rely on social media lead generation.

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For the transcript and show notes:

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I'm your host, Laura Kamark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business donors who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business, mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let's go ahead and dive in to this week's episode. Hello, and welcome to this week's show. For those of you who don't already know me, I'm Laura Kåmark, Evergreen system and funnel integration expert for coaches and consultants who love their work but not their tech. My guest today is Andrea Singletary.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:50]:
She's a wife, mom of 2, life and business coach for mompreneurs, and the host of the Kamark Turn Mompreneur podcast. She's passionate about supporting mompreneurs with building a business that fits their current season of life and doesn't rely on social media lead gen. Andrea, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit about how you got to where you are today?

Andria Singletary [00:01:14]:
Yeah. So, my mompreneur journey started after I became a mom. So, I became a mom April 2020, height of the pandemic. And prior to becoming a mom, I was a preschool director. So I worked in the early childhood field for well over 10 years. And, basically, while I was on maternity leave, my job shut down. So became a stay at home mom unexpectedly, but it was definitely what I wanted. I always knew that when I started having kids, I wanted to be home with them.

Andria Singletary [00:01:45]:
So worked out perfectly that way. But as I, you know, started this new mom journey and it was during the pandemic and everything, I just felt really lonely, and I was like, I need something for myself. And so I started a mom blog to try how to build, like, a community and everything, and I really loved building my website. It was, like, my first time building a website, And I was like, oh, you know, maybe I can turn this into something. So basically went down the Google rabbit hole, discovered virtual assistants, And started my virtual assistant business. It was called the Savvy VA Mama. And fun fact, I started it while I was 12 weeks Pregnant with my daughter, and I had a 1 year old running around. So that was a lot of fun.

Andria Singletary [00:02:34]:
But As I continued, you know, working as a virtual assistant and literally doing all of the things that you can do as a virtual assistant, so Web design, blog copywriting, general admin, wearing all of these hats. My business was growing, but I was getting burnt out. And And so I realized I needed to niche down, and to niche down is something that was really going to accommodate my life as a soon to be mom of 2. And so I again, searching on Google, I discovered, podcast management. And at that time, I was a avid podcast listener and, like, always wondered who helped women get their podcasts out into the world. And so I decided to take Lauren Wrighton's podcast manager program. Mind you, I'm, like, Super pregnant while doing this. And I my goal was to finish the course before I had my daughter, which I've Finished it literally a week before I went into labor.

Andria Singletary [00:03:36]:
But after I had my daughter, couple of weeks later, signed my 1st podcast management client And, basically, just went with it. I really loved supporting other women. And what I found, like, the biggest disconnect was that These women were creating these amazing podcasts, but they weren't connected to their businesses. And so I kinda made it my mission to support Women, they were mostly mom business owners with actually using their podcast as an effective part of their marketing strategy, not treating it as just a separate thing. And so I found that when my clients applied the strategies that I taught them, they were literally able to funnel their listeners into their paid offers and programs. Like, their podcast not only brought in new leads, but nurtured these leads and then converted them into these paid And so I kinda just was doing that, and then, I literally had clients telling me that I was their coach asking me for coaching on this, and and I'm like, okay. Something's coming up here. Maybe I need to explore this coaching thing.

Andria Singletary [00:04:42]:
And so I decided to, add on on, you know, another part of my business where I offer life and business coaching for Mom business owners, really helping to them to build a business that fits their current season of life, that makes sense based on their current time and capacity that they have available, but also allowing them to still be the present moms that they wanna be. So that's kind of my journey.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:10]:
Oh my goodness. I love that story so much, and I can relate to it so much Because I was working a corporate job when I was pregnant with my first child, and I, at that point, worked from home kinda Ford, it was a thing. Mhmm. And I had been working remote for this large company. There was, like, 2 of us in a company of 500 that worked remote. So not a lot of people knew I did that, and I felt like I had a really secure corporate job. I'd been there 8 years, all that fun stuff, 3 years remote, And they knew I was pregnant, and I got the call when I was about 4 or 5 months pregnant. And then at 8 AM one day from HR, and they said your position's been eliminated.

Andria Singletary [00:05:49]:
Oh my god.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:50]:
Was just like, you know I'm pregnant. Yeah. No. You'll figure it out. So I kinda got thrown into being a stay at home mom, Which wasn't really in the plan. No longer having an income, which my husband was in the had About a year prior to that had started a new business, had done a complete career change. He's always been an entrepreneur forever and was building up a new business. And so my job was kind of Supporting us, and all of a sudden that was just pulled out from under us.

Laura Kåmark [00:06:19]:
And so I was kinda struggling with that whole, like, mom you know, new mom once the baby was born, loneliness, Trying to, like, start up a business, not really sure what I was gonna do or you know? And it was 2015 back then. It was just It was so different in the online space than it is now. Yeah. But, yeah, it was I can relate so much to that. And, like, The not expecting to be home with the children even though it's amazing I got to be home with my children, when they were babies, But it was definitely, a struggle, like, kind of an identity crisis almost. Mhmm. That's something I wasn't prepared for mentally in leaving the workforce and then, like, starting my own business. So I love I'm gonna go back to What some of the things you talked about.

Laura Kåmark [00:07:07]:
I love how you're able to take when people have their podcast and be like, Here's how we can apply more strategy to it that becomes a whole part of your entire marketing strategy. Can you talk a little bit more about that?

Andria Singletary [00:07:22]:
Yeah. So, basically, one of the biggest things I work with my clients on is getting clear on, like, what is your goal? What do you ultimately want listeners to do after they listen to an episode? And so we get really clear on that. So whether that is moving them over to their email list so they can nurture them more or if they wanna convert listeners directly to specific offers. And so We really like, when planning out podcast content, we, in a sense, reverse engineer, so we start with the end in mind. And just taking that approach has really given my clients, like, just so much clarity in how to effectively create podcast content that is going to get their listeners to do things. And one of the other things we really work on too is not waiting until the very end of the episode to promote whatever it is. We do that at the very beginning because we know we have people's attention right at the start of the episode. So I'm like, let's just Get that out the way, and then you can dive into, you know, the actual content of the episode.

Andria Singletary [00:08:27]:
So just making those changes and really, again, just kind of Shifting your mindset how you look at your podcast, it's helped my clients so much. It's like it doesn't have to be the separate thing. It can really be another way that you market your business, another way that you connect with your community and everything. And so When they look at it differently, they, like now my clients, when they go into planning out their monthly content, they're like, okay. This is The offer I'm focusing on this month, and they, like, are really clear on what type of episodes they're gonna create. It just makes the whole process easier, and it doesn't feel like it's another thing to do.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:08]:
Oh, I love that so much. Yeah. When I started my podcast, it was more of just like, I don't wanna blog. Mhmm. I don't wanna just hop on a bunch of coffee chats, and I love I love Chatting with people. I love connecting. I love meeting new people. Even though I'm a I am an introvert, I get that energy from, you know, Sitting quietly and reading a book, I definitely get drained from it, but I do love connecting people.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:35]:
And I've made some amazing friendships in the online space with people that I've gone to meet in real life at events and retreats and things. And so I have just really loved When I created my podcast, the idea was to do interviews mostly instead of it being more of, like, a solo episodes. I do solo episodes as well. But For the most part, it's my connection strategy to have a reason to reach out and build my network and just meet some more even amazing women, and it introduced them to my my audience, my community. So

Andria Singletary [00:10:09]:
Yeah. I love that, and I think that's a really great way to use your podcast too. I know, like, I'm an introvert too, and I have found that the interviews really allowed me to build deeper connections with other women in my community because I'm I'm not the type to go to a virtual networking event. It's just very overwhelming for me. But being able to have these 1 on 1 conversations like you were saying, it allows me to get to know the guests better and just building that referral network and Just having other business owners to be connected to and to lean on in different things, I really like using my Podcast that way too, so I totally get it.

Laura Kåmark [00:10:49]:
It's so fun. Like Yes. I I was it I think it was about 2 years ago, I just did a ton of coffee chats, and I was they nothing ever happened with them. They felt, like, really awkward, and I was like, this is I don't enjoy this. I'm gonna just start a podcast And just chat with people, and it's way more fun. Yes. Oh my goodness. I wanna talk to you a little bit about how your Business kinda revolves your, your beliefs and how you do things around not relying on social media for lead generation.

Laura Kåmark [00:11:22]:
Can we talk a little bit about that? Because Yeah. Because I think this is gonna be a really fun conversation.

Andria Singletary [00:11:28]:
Yeah. So I last year, at the start of last Dear. Excuse me. I was trying to be on all of the platforms. I was on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Doing all of the things, and it got me nowhere. I was just burnt out and drained, and I've never been a huge social media person to begin with, and so I'm like, why am I trying to force myself to do something that doesn't even feel aligned to me. And I was like, I have this podcast. Just focus on the podcast.

Andria Singletary [00:12:03]:
Like, stop making it complicated. And I really just decided to focus on using my podcast as my main way of creating content, But I do repurpose it for other platforms. So, like, for blogging, especially, like, going into this year, I've really been, actually changing the format of my show notes to be more of, like, a blog style and leveraging Pinterest. And just Within a month, I have seen so much traffic go to my website. Like, literally, people visit my website daily. Last year, I didn't have any of that. And so I really am all about simplifying how you create content, but doing it in a way that actually feels Good to you, where you actually enjoy showing up. I look forward to recording my podcast episodes.

Andria Singletary [00:12:53]:
It's like, if I could every weekend, I would just record podcast episodes, but I don't look forward to creating content for Instagram. I dread it. I dread having to open that app. Now don't get me wrong. I love DM conversations, and I encourage my listeners to send me messages on Instagram, and I've been able to have some amazing conversations that way, but that's how I mostly use social media. I'm not really big on creating content. Like, I'll Show up stories here and there. Like, I've given up on trying to consistently post in stories.

Andria Singletary [00:13:27]:
I've switched to the 9 grid so I don't have to posted my feed. But I found that leaning into how I actually enjoy showing up and Showing up in a way where I actually thrive, where you really get to know me, my personality comes through. It doesn't feel forced or anything. That has worked more in my favor for building my business than trying to force myself to post on social media. So I think it just really boils down to, like, do you Actually enjoy how you're creating content. Because if you don't, it's gonna come through the content you're creating. It's going to feel forced. Like, your audience is going to fill it, and that's gonna impact your results.

Andria Singletary [00:14:10]:
Like, it's not allowing people to really See the real you. Like, how what it is to, like, to work with you and get to know your personality and stuff like that. And so That's kinda, like, why I moved away from leaning so much on social media. Plus, I mean, you hear people's accounts getting shut down and hacked. And I I think one of my friends on Instagram today, she's said that she wasn't able to, like, post anything and Just so it was, like, crazy that it seems like you don't know and then all the people complaining about engagement being low and all of that. But I'm like, well, I see people coming to my website daily. Like, I know I'm getting new leads. Like, I have people getting on my email list and different things.

Andria Singletary [00:14:55]:
Like, I'm not worried about it. So, like, when people are complaining about all the things going wrong on Instagram, I'm like, okay. It's not a big deal for me.

Laura Kåmark [00:15:06]:
I can relate to that so much. I have this, like, love hate relationship with Instagram. It just does not work for my brain.

Andria Singletary [00:15:13]:

Laura Kåmark [00:15:14]:
can't figure it out. And so years ago, like, one of the first things I outsourced in my business was hiring Lizzie Matson with Wild Feather Co. She was on I think it was Episode 2 or 3. I think it's just episode 2 of the podcast. And she used to do my Instagram. And for me, I was like, I don't have to do anything, and I just know, like, it's happening. Yeah. Someone else is taking care of it.

Laura Kåmark [00:15:35]:
I feel good because I feel like I'm showing up consistently and not having to do it. And so she did that for a number of years, and then I'd ended up taking the content and being able to evergreen as much as I could. And then she actually now offers VIP days where she will create, like, just about 6 months worth of evergreen content. We actually just finished it last week, and I'm in the process of getting it all. So I have all new content. And I'm excited about it because for me, I just it feels good to me that I didn't have to, like, create it. Yes. But it's in alignment.

Laura Kåmark [00:16:07]:
It's all my offers. It's the right like, the copy's in alignment. It's amazing stuff, and then I can go and post that. And then I've gotten better about stories. It's Still really it's a struggle. Like, things move behind images and things, and I'm always like, why are you doing this? I'm trying to, like, part Icon y thing, and it just really frustrates me. But, so, yeah, I can relate to, like, the struggle of not enjoying it and finding a way around that. And then the other thing I've just been such a big proponent of, mostly for setting up with my clients, but also trying to, you know, Reach what I'm what I'm saying to all of them is doing, like, evergreen email sequences.

Laura Kåmark [00:16:52]:
So that, again, like, taking the best content and being able to repurpose that over and over again. Because the thing I find is a lot of my clients are building email lists, but then they're not nurturing that list. So I feel like there's a lot of talk about grow your list, grow your list, grow your list, but then A lot of people grow the list and they never email, which, like, guilty. I did it. I did it. We all did it. It's okay. It's a safe space.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:14]:
We could talk about this. But Having an evergreen system in place where then you know as you're doing that visibility, whether it's getting on podcasts or speaking at summits or whatever it is that you're doing and being able to know that once people hit that list, they're gonna get your best content.

Andria Singletary [00:17:34]:
Yes. Yes. It's so funny you brought that up because a mutual friend, Nicole Capek, she shared how you, Basically supported her with that, and it actually was how it led to her end up being a guest on my podcast because I was going through her evergreen funnel and everything, which I thought it was Genius. You know? And so, yeah, that's another thing I'm leveraging too. I'm building out my funnels and all of that, just because especially as a mom, The more that you can automate and have working for you without you having to actually show up makes a world of a difference. So I, definitely Love that, and I think it's so important.

Laura Kåmark [00:18:15]:
Yeah. I mean, having little kids at home, you never know. And even like mine, I just got to, like, that next stage in my life where both kids are in school that started in August. Like, it still feels new and exciting.

Andria Singletary [00:18:28]:

Laura Kåmark [00:18:29]:
I mean, last week, On Wednesday, we got the call that my daughter had a temperature and was in the office. And that was Wednesday, so she was home Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. And I had a lot of things planned those days that did not happen, and that's okay. I give myself grace. It is I can only do what I can do. And when I know that at least, like, at least I know the people now getting on my list are being nurtured. The people who've been on it for a while, they haven't heard from me in Couple weeks. That's okay.

Laura Kåmark [00:18:57]:
Yes. I'm trying. Yep. So oh, I love that. What would you say that some of the best marketing strategies for mompreneurs are.

Andria Singletary [00:19:09]:
So podcasting, of Of course. But I know that podcasting is not for everyone or at least, like, having your own, but, podcast guesting, so, like, I'm doing right now, is Such a great marketing strategy, especially when you're very strategic about it, making sure you're getting in front of your ideal audience, having those Key topics, already mapped out so that way you are, again, funneling people somewhere. And I always recommend, like, Directing them to, like, a free resource to get them on your email list so that way you know they're getting into your world. And people are More prone to opt into something free when it's a colder audience versus you trying to immediately sell them into something. So, yes, podcast casting and other collaborations, so, like, speaking at virtual summits, especially most of those are prerecorded, so You get to, you know, do that on your own time and everything, participating in bundles to grow your email list. And like you were saying, nurturing that email list and everything. But I think those are really great strategies for moms because it doesn't require you to be on all the time. You're not having to post then engage and all of that.

Andria Singletary [00:20:24]:
It's, like, kind of a one and done thing. And the nice thing, like, even with podcast guesting, it's Evergreen content, so new people will find that years to come after you've recorded it and everything.

Laura Kåmark [00:20:36]:
Oh, I love that, and I couldn't agree more. Like, it's having that content. And, again, like, you're also building relationships with new people, and then you're getting in front of their audience. And that's people continue to download those podcasts and listen to them. I So I think that's an excellent marketing strategy for because, yes, it's hard it's hard to raise a family and build a business. It's a juggle.

Andria Singletary [00:21:04]:
Yes. It definitely is.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:08]:
Why do you feel that a social media reliant visibility strategy is really just not that sustainable for mom business owners.

Andria Singletary [00:21:16]:
So kinda like we've been discussing, thing. I would say the biggest thing is that if you are just posting on social media like, to stay top of mind, you have to create a lot of content because social media content, the shelf life is, like, 24 hours. And if you think about it, You may have these amazing posts that are, like, very gentle, and people aren't going to scroll down to those old posts. A lot of times, they don't go past, like, the first 6 or 9 posts, and so it's just not that effective for you. Now with evergreen content, like a Podcast or a blog. Those things are searchable. People are literally typing in Google certain questions. And If you leverage SEO, your content can come up.

Andria Singletary [00:22:04]:
And this can be stuff that you posted a month ago, a year ago, and it just keeps working for you. I've had people literally find my podcast and binge all of the episodes, and I'm, I I think a 130 something episodes in. I literally had, someone who ended up working with me, a coaching client, when she found my podcast. I At that time, I was at a 100 episodes. She binged all a 100 episodes, like, in a weekend. So You're not going to get that on social media. But even better is that I didn't have to do anything new. Like, this was content that was already there.

Andria Singletary [00:22:42]:
She discovered my podcast, and she liked the 1st episode, and she just kept going and going and going. And so it's content that'll continue to work for you Even when you can't show up, even when you can't, you know, post to social media and different things like that. And so and I think that's really important as a mom because we can't control when our kids get sick. You know, we can't control these different things, and it's like, oh, man. The kids are sick. I didn't get to put that post out. Like and then you're feeling guilty Because you're not putting out more content to reach your ideal clients and everything. And so it just takes a lot of that pressure off of you to have to show up and post and engage in different things like that.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:25]:
Absolutely. So for someone in our audience listening who is wondering, like, I would maybe they've been thinking about starting a podcast, and they're listening to us right now, and they're like, I'm gonna do it. What would you say are the 1st steps that they should take?

Andria Singletary [00:23:42]:
So really get clear on your goal of the pass. What are you ultimately using it to do? Are you using it to drive people to your email list? Are you focusing primarily on trying to bring in new leads, nurture them, and convert them directly from the podcast. And it can be both goals. Right? Like, they both are in alignment with each other. But just getting really clear on that because that's going to drive the type of content you create. So if your podcast is purely for you to highlight your expertise and, you know, sign clients directly from your podcast, Then you need to be creating more solo episodes than you do interviews. Now if you're using it as a way to network, then Go ahead. All the interviews you wanna do.

Andria Singletary [00:24:29]:
Just, again, really thinking about, like, what do you want this podcast to ultimately do. The next thing I would say is do not get caught up on the tech. The tech will really leave you stuck if you are trying to have all of the bells and whistles. You don't need all of that. You can keep it really simple, whether that is just ordering a microphone off of Amazon or Recording in the voice notes app on your phone and starting that way. The biggest thing is that you wanna get started because if you don't get started, You're not going to actually make it to, you know, 50 episodes, a 100 episodes, different things like that. You know, your podcast is gonna grow and evolve as you learn more, as you get more comfortable with creating content in this type of format, You know, as your business grows and everything, I mean, I've already shared. I've gone through so many different things as a started out as a VA.

Andria Singletary [00:25:27]:
Now I'm doing coaching. And so your podcast will grow and change with you, especially as you get to know your audience more, and you just get clarity on those different things in your business. So the main thing is to get started and not allowing, you know, Oh, I need to do a video podcast. I need to have this type of microphone and all these different things. No. You don't. Just keep it simple.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:52]:
I love that advice. What are your thoughts on, like, the video versus not doing video? My for mine, as you know, because we're both on video right now. I repurposed mine to YouTube. Full disclosure, I'm very behind. Like, because it got that got pushed down to the bottom of the priority list as long as it was getting produced and, you know, put out in all the audio places Mhmm. Actually producing because it's a separate Production. Yeah.

Andria Singletary [00:26:18]:
It definitely is.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:20]:
So do you have any thoughts on that? Because I've also heard this is kinda going to another question, But I've heard some talk a while back when I was listening to an, an audio summit that was talking about how YouTube's coming out with podcasting, something or another, and I haven't gone back and tried to research that. So those are my questions.

Andria Singletary [00:26:38]:
Yeah. So, honestly, when it comes to video cast. Whether or not you do it, I would say it depends on your audience and also what your niche is. I've always found that with video podcasts, unless you're actually Teaching me something. I don't really need the video component, but I'm saying that I'm a busy mama. I don't have time to look at a video, but I can listen to you. I can put in my earbuds while I'm washing the dishes and listen to you, you know, on Apple Podcasts. So I think just really understanding your audience and how they consume content can help you make that decision.

Andria Singletary [00:27:14]:
Also, like, again, if your niche is where you are demonstrating something in your videos, I think it would make sense then. But I also know too that sometimes, like, especially if you have, like, you know, a celebrity guest or something like that, People may want that video, component as well. So I think it's just ultimately up to you. I don't feel that it's necessary to have a successful podcast, and then to touch on the YouTube thing. I post my podcast to YouTube. I just have a thumbnail, and people can listen to the audio. And I think it is important to add in that, especially since Google Podcast is going away, I think, in April. Role.

Andria Singletary [00:27:55]:
So everything is kinda being pushed over to YouTube. So you don't have to have video. You could just create a thumbnail that Has your branding, your cover art, says new episode, and keep it simple like that. Keep it

Laura Kåmark [00:28:08]:
simple. Yeah. Because I had heard that, like, one of the reasons to even, you know, just put the audio on there is because it they will search, because YouTube's searchable. Yeah. Just like how your blog is. So that was kinda something that it's been, like, sitting in the back of my mind. I'm like, I need to that's on the that's on the to do list. It's just not that high.

Andria Singletary [00:28:26]:
Yeah. So yeah. I mean, you can Still like I said, you can still add your audio to it. You just create a thumbnail picture for it. So

Laura Kåmark [00:28:35]:
yeah. I love that. What is some of the like, what's your favorite podcasting tech in terms of, like, the apps you're using for it?

Andria Singletary [00:28:47]:
Let's see. I really so for recording, I absolutely love Zencastr. I use it for both Solo episodes and interviews. It's really easy to use, but what I love the most about it and why I pay $20 a month for it is that, literally, it Upload all of the audio files to a Google Drive folder for me so that it's organized. I'm not having to remember to download anything or move anything over hear anything like that. And so, yeah, I I just pay for that convenience. It's like one less thing I have to think about.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:22]:
Oh, the beauty of automations.

Andria Singletary [00:29:24]:

Laura Kåmark [00:29:27]:
And then what where do you host your Podcasts or recommend that your clients host their podcasts?

Andria Singletary [00:29:33]:
I love Captivate. Mhmm. I they have so many great features. So one of my favorite features is that for, like, your episode description, basically, you can create a template. So, like, I have one for solo episodes and interviews because what I include in the description is slightly different. So, again, kind of, like, Automating to a certain extent of, like, not having to retype out the same things over and over again so I have kinda like a skeleton of, like, what I typically include in my episode description. So that's one of the cool things. They also allow you to make podcast as playlist.

Andria Singletary [00:30:11]:
So I've been doing that more kind of, like, using it as a freebie to drive more people to my, email list. And then they have a lot of great features for, like, supporting you, like, with monetizing your podcast. So, like, even, And, you know, adding in ads if you wanna do any ads, like, even if you're promoting your own stuff on your podcast. They make it very easy to do, and their support. Their customer support is so amazing. Like, they're very responsive, and they have a lot of, like, educational things too. So they're always hosting, like, Webinars and different things to try to keep everyone abreast on, like, the latest trends in podcasting.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:51]:
Oh, I love that. I have not heard of them before, so I will check them out. I use Buzzsprout.

Andria Singletary [00:30:57]:
Buzzsprout is a good one too. I like them as well.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:00]:
I like that they integrate with Ophonics, Which was Yes. I I when I was doing, like, virtual assistant tech VA work, there was a client that I worked for, and I did her podcast production for about 4 years, and that's how when it was like, okay. I'm gonna start my own podcast. I'm like, I already know how to do all the things. Yes. And, like, it feels a little like old school technology because, like, I'm using GarageBand to edit things. Hey. Keep it simple.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:26]:
Exactly. And it is. It's super simple, but GarageBand to edit things. And then I knew to run everything through Ophonics to just make the audio sound good because I That's for what it is. I was like, why do I listen to a podcast that's not hers? And it would be, like, Really quiet, so I turn up the volume. Yeah. And then the next episode comes on, and it's yelling at me. And I'm like,

Andria Singletary [00:31:46]:
Yes. I love that you learned not before you started your podcast because that's, like, one of my biggest pet peeves. I, like, wanna send people an email. Can you run it through a phonic, please? And that's

Laura Kåmark [00:31:58]:
I remember when I first, like, launched my podcast, someone had said to me they were like, wow. It sounds really good. I just I wasn't expecting the sound quality would be so good with you know, you're just Starting out, I'm like, well, I do know what I'm doing, and the magic is all in of phonics. And then I discovered that they started integrating with, Buzzsprout. And I'm like, well, I guess I

Andria Singletary [00:32:16]:
don't need to pay for

Laura Kåmark [00:32:17]:
both now. So Yeah. You have to it's like another little, like, upgrade per month, but you just it runs it through all automatically.

Andria Singletary [00:32:25]:
Wow. That's awesome. I didn't know they added that feature. That's really cool.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:31]:
Yeah. It's it's a cool little integration. I still because I remember I had a friend who had reached out. She's like, oh, I recorded this Presentation for a summit, and there's, like, this weird buzzing noise in the background. I'm like, go run it through a phonics. Mhmm. Yes. It's gonna be she's like a who a oughtahood of what? I'm like,

Andria Singletary [00:32:47]:
oh, god.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:49]:
It's magic.

Andria Singletary [00:32:50]:
Yes. I like a phonic better than Descript's studio sound.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:55]:
Mhmm. I don't

Andria Singletary [00:32:55]:
know if you've ever played around with that, but Their studio sound, it can really mess up your audio. Like, you have to get the setting just right. But Auphonic, literally, you just run it through. You don't have to really Just anything. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:08]:
I have not played around that much with Descript. I got, like, the free trial, and and I just I was kinda breaking my brain Trying to learn a new piece, and I was like, I don't need this. I have all the other pieces I need that to do these things. When I edit my Video I'm doing it in Imovie, and Yeah. It's I've just I know how to do it.

Andria Singletary [00:33:28]:
Yes. I I feel like that's a much better way to do it than use the script. I never really liked that. It's like you're editing editing a Word doc, but it's like if you Edit. Like, if you delete something, then it might make it sound a little choppy because, technically, you know, the waveform, it's connected. So, yeah, I don't like the script.

Laura Kåmark [00:33:50]:
I couldn't figure it out. It was too much for my brain, which, again, I'm I'm a techie person, but, like, that was

Andria Singletary [00:33:54]:
too much

Laura Kåmark [00:33:55]:
for me. But, hey, I appreciate all my friends who are love it and Yes. Use it all the time. I'm like, good for you. It's just I'm too dinosaur for describing. No. You're not. If you're using GarageBand, you're actually very advanced.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:12]:
It feels very old school. I'd like, it literally, the Only thing I know how to do on

Laura Kåmark [00:34:16]:
a crutch band is edit the podcast. That's it. I don't know how to do anything else.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:22]:
Anyway, What would you say I wanna talk a little bit more about, like, being a mom and building a business and kind of some of the struggles there because I feel like it's not always talked about. How do you find you're able to build a sustainable business in part time hours?

Andria Singletary [00:34:39]:
Honestly, I have simplified my offers. I have set things up in a way so that I don't have to always be on calls and different things like that. The biggest thing I use is Voxer. My clients love it. We do coaching via Voxer and everything, and it works great because my clients are other moms too. And so Being able to send a message via Voxer is a lot easier than having to get dressed and get ready and get on a call and, you know, hopefully, the kids are nappy be it would not. And I I know for, like, my kids, if they see me get on Zoom, they're gonna come start talking, saying hi, asking questions, and different things like that. So excuse me.

Andria Singletary [00:35:27]:
So I would say that was the biggest thing. Like, really just looking at what I have truly have, like, the time and capacity for and how I can best serve my clients without it requiring even more of me. Mhmm. So that's one thing, but also just learning to ask for help. I've really learned how to lean on my husband. And so, Saturdays are, like, my day where I just focus on myself and business. He takes the kids, and they do whatever they're gonna do. I don't even get involved.

Andria Singletary [00:36:00]:
I'm like, it's just one day. Wanna feed them cereal all day. That is totally fine. But I get that day where I can just really knock out most of my work, whether that is Creating podcast episodes or, you know, getting some client work done or different things like that. Just having that uninterrupted time to work, and where I just literally have to worry about myself making sure I eat and go to the bathroom and that kind of stuff. It has made a world of a difference in me being able to actually build a business with little ones at home and everything. So that and then Just really setting firm boundaries. So, you know, these are my set hours to work.

Andria Singletary [00:36:44]:
I typically like, if the kids are up and active and everything. I'm not gonna get on my laptop because they flip out if they see me get on my laptop. But I will like, if my daughter's taking a nap and my son is playing quietly, I may send a quick email or something like that. But, outside of that, like, I typically try not to work when I'm, like, with the kids and everything. Just Focus that time on them and everything. But I think, again, it's just really looking at how you can simplify things in your business. So Setting up those automations and different things like that. So, like, even, like, if somebody inquires about working with me, All of it's automated.

Andria Singletary [00:37:26]:
They're gonna get that response and the next steps, and I don't have to get on to do anything. So Really looking at what, you can simplify in your business and just take yourself out of the equation. I think it allows you to be able to work less so you can be the present mama you wanna be.

Laura Kåmark [00:37:46]:
Oh, I love that. And because I'm such, like, a tech person I do wanna hear. So what tech are you utilizing for some of your automations? Like, when someone reaches out to inquire about working with you, what do you have, and What are you using for all that automation?

Andria Singletary [00:38:00]:
So I've past couple of years, I've been using Dubsado, and, unfortunately, I have just been disappointed with all of the glitches and, even when you, like, address support and then they're like, well, did you do this or it's this, and I'm like, but I'm telling you, like, this workflow used to work, and it's not working. So I've been in the process of switching over to Moxie, and I really like it. They have a lot of great features, not maybe as many customizations as Dubsado, which That was a little disappointing, but I really love the overall setup. It's very simple. It's very intuitive. Like, I don't feel like I'm having to learn a whole new software. So that's what I'm currently using, but, yeah, it's all Just automate it. Like, once I have stuff set up, literally, it's working for me.

Andria Singletary [00:38:56]:
So between that and then, I use ConvertKit. So, I have, like, my email funnel set up through ConvertKit and everything. So Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:39:07]:
To get all your compliance updates done?

Andria Singletary [00:39:09]:
I did. I did that. A lot of it, I had done before, you know, email, armageddon, help this But, I think I just had to, like, do I think it was, like, the Kamark. But I got that all set up and finalized, and, Yeah. I'm good to go. I've been sending emails. My open rates haven't been impacted, thankfully. So

Laura Kåmark [00:39:33]:
It's been a interesting ride this year. I've been doing a lot. I wasn't something I necessarily wanted to dive into, but because of how I support my it was something that they needed support in, and so I went down a lot of rabbit holes of research and trainings and learned all the things.

Andria Singletary [00:39:51]:

Laura Kåmark [00:39:51]:
And spend many, many hours doing lots and lots of email compliance

Andria Singletary [00:39:57]:
updates. Yes. Yes. I've supported a few clients to, who they wanted to start leveraging email marketing, but they didn't have the email at their domain name, so we had to go through All of that. But, yeah, it's been a crazy time with all the email stuff.

Laura Kåmark [00:40:17]:
I wanna talk a little bit about some of the mindset stuff that might have come up when you We're starting your business, and I'd love to know some, like, the fears and doubts you had and how you overcame them.

Andria Singletary [00:40:31]:
So I would say probably One of the biggest things that came up for me was, when I started out as a VA, I still kinda went into it with that employee mindset, not really looking at it as, me being a CEO working with another CEO. And, honestly, what caused me to make that shift was I had my daughter, and life with 2 under 2 is Really, really interesting and different. And so I had to make some major shifts in how I was running my business. So I had made the decision that I was not going to be available to my clients on Tuesdays Thursdays. So that way I could just focused solely on my kids and, you know, kinda just have that break that I needed and everything. And for the most part, my clients were on board with it except for 1. She was very upset about it. Like, she knew I had just had Had my 2nd child and all of that.

Andria Singletary [00:41:36]:
And it made me realize, like, I didn't need to ask permission. Like, It really got me thinking, like, why did I start this business to begin with? And I started it so that way, yes, I could bring an income, but so I could stay home with my kids, so I didn't have to go back to a 9 to 5. And so I really just, like, kinda had that light bulb moment, so to speak. And I was like, I can do things differently. I get to decide, you know, when I work and who I work with and different things like that and just really learning how to set boundaries in my business. And so I think That, like, just really looking at, like, well, when do I actually wanna work? When do I actually wanna be available to clients? You know? How How do I wanna structure my days? You know? What do I wanna be able to do at this time versus that time? And just different things like that. And so really learning how to Step into that CEO role and own it and not be afraid to do it because it's you know, that confrontation, it's always hard. It's uncomfortable and everything.

Andria Singletary [00:42:43]:
But just reminding myself that it's 2 CEOs having this conversation. You know? And if the person is not okay with it, that's okay. You know? We just may not be a good fit to work with each other. So I would say that was, like, the biggest thing. That and then the other thing was too is that Before I had my daughter, just, like, having to worry about my son, I was able to get so much done while he was running around and different things like that or He was napping and stuff. Well, you're bringing in a 2nd baby, and it looks way different. You know? They're not gonna be on the same nap schedule as much as you would like for them to be. It's just not gonna happen.

Andria Singletary [00:43:23]:
And so I really had to learn how to be okay with slowing down As a mom of 2, and being flexible, knowing that it's okay that things look different. It's okay that I'm doing things differently And really had to kinda like, how we're talking about social media, take that step back from social media and not really looking at what other people were doing, because that comparison, that will that'll take you down a whole mindset drama path that you don't need to be on. And so I had to embrace my current season of life and know that it would not be this way forever. The kids are gonna get older. Things are gonna look different. My time and capacity will increase. But until then, I had to be realistic about what I was is actually capable of doing, you know, in this season of life.

Laura Kåmark [00:44:18]:
I can relate to that so much. I mean, The juggle of, like, the 2 kids and the not Yeah. Getting on the nap schedule and just really giving yourself grace to go at your own speed. It's not a race. Yes. And just knowing that I like, for me, I know I know where I'm going. I still haven't sat down and done that whole, like, 2023 year end review that everyone talks about. I didn't have time.

Laura Kåmark [00:44:43]:
My kids were home. They were off school. We were traveling. We were sick. We then, like, it like, it's not the Time for me to sit and reflect. I would love to, but it never is a reality any year, and I know that. And so I don't put the pressure on myself To have this full blown review time and sit and spend a couple days reflecting, like, at I'll do that maybe in a few years. I'll have the space and capacity for that.

Laura Kåmark [00:45:07]:
But for right now, I just ignore all that stuff coming in my inbox that talks about it. And, no, I'm just not at that place because my kids are home, and It's the holidays, and it just it is what it is. Yeah. So really knowing, like, I know what my big picture is. I know what I'm shooting for. Yeah. It might take me 5 years to get there, but that's okay. I'm also raising little children who are getting bigger.

Laura Kåmark [00:45:32]:
My daughter, At the time of this recording, her birthday is actually tomorrow. My oldest will turn 8. Oh. And, you know, I've been doing this now for 8 years. So yeah. Really just going at your own pace because I've I know I fall into that personitis.

Andria Singletary [00:45:50]:
It's so easy to do. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:45:52]:
Yeah. Because I'll look at other people who either have older kids or they don't have children and, like, the amount that they get done and how they can Put stuff out. I'm like, I don't have like, soon as my kids get home, computer's off, weekends for the most part, unless they're going with grandma somewhere. Like, At I'm out of capacity. For a long time, I would work after they went to bed, and I after 2020 like, I did it for a number of years during, like, 2020, 2021. Must get up at 4 AM every day to have quiet time to get stuff done. I'd stay up late. My clients knew, like, if Laura's emailing, it's probably because the 2 year old woke up and didn't get back to sleep kinda thing, but not to expect me to

Laura Kåmark [00:46:32]:
be emailing it either morning.

Laura Kåmark [00:46:35]:
Of course, I'm also West Coast in their east. A lot of I always work with a lot of East Coasters. So they're all hours ahead of me. But, yeah, really just having that flexibility and grace, of knowing that it'll it'll all happen. It doesn't happen overnight.

Andria Singletary [00:46:51]:
Yes. Definitely.

Laura Kåmark [00:46:54]:
We are getting close to our time. This has just flown by. I can sit and talk to you all day long, And I'm gonna continue talking to you after this. But I do have 1 question that I ask everyone who comes on the show, and that is what is 1 piece of advice you would give to someone when they are growing and scaling their business that would help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves.

Andria Singletary [00:47:19]:
I would say is don't be afraid to be vulnerable and to To share your beliefs and values, I feel like that is the best way to attract your dream clients, those people who are truly the best fit to work work with you. I know it can be scary, especially, like, the vulnerability piece, but I promise you, it will make finding the right client so much easier, when you just are able to freely do that in your content.

Laura Kåmark [00:47:51]:
Oh, I love that. Andrea, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners where they can find you, connect with you, get in your world.

Andria Singletary [00:48:02]:
Yeah. So I have my podcast. It's called MamaTerm Mompreneur. And then my website is Kamark term mompreneur come, and then I am somewhat on Instagram. And my handle is mama term mompreneur. So, Yeah. You Google mama term mompreneur, you will find me.

Laura Kåmark [00:48:21]:
Wonderful. And I will link all that up in the show notes. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. This was such a fun conversation.

Andria Singletary [00:48:27]:
Thank you for having me.

Laura Kåmark [00:48:32]:
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