Be Bold, Make Waves with Laura Kåmark

Embracing Authenticity and Intuition in your Business with Chelsea Carter of Heart Centered Humans

Laura Kåmark Episode 72

Meet Chelsea:

Chelsea Renee is a talented somatics & embodiment coach, retreat creatrix, medicine woman, mentor to space holders and heart-centered entrepreneurs, intuitive Ceremonialist, meditation guide, speaker and more. She is the creator of the Somatic Breath Activation, a powerful breathwork technique that unleashes your truth and power. In her sacred circles, gatherings and retreats, she curates an environment for rewilding, embodiment and inner transformation.

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For the transcript and show notes:

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I'm your host, Laura Kamark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business, mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let's go ahead and dive in to this week's episode. Hello, and welcome to this week's show. For those of you who don't already know me, I'm Laura Kamark, Evergreen email marketing expert for coaches and consultants who love their work but not their tech. I'm so excited to introduce you to my guest today.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:48]:
Chelsea Renee is a talented somatics and embodiment coach, retreat, creatrix, medicine woman, mentor to space holders, and heart centered entrepreneurs, intuitive ceremonialist, meditation guide, speaker, and more. She's the creator of the somatic breath activation, a powerful breathwork technique that unleashes your truth and power. In her sacred circles, gatherings, and retreats, she curates an environment for rewilding embodiment and inner transformation. Chelsea, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell us just a little bit more about kinda how you help people?

Chelsea Carter [00:01:28]:
Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. The essence in all of my work is really supporting humans and women coming into their true self. So getting out of their mind, getting into their body, connecting with their heart, deepening their connection with their intuition so then they can create a abundant and beautiful life that is really aligned with who they came here to be on this planet.

Laura Kåmark [00:01:58]:
Oh, I love that. I love just the whole conversation around, like, tapping into your intuition, especially that is something I know I'm always working on trying to, like, be more intuitive and listen to my intuitive self. Do you have any tips of how to tap into your intuition for someone who's, like, wanting to dive into that more?

Chelsea Carter [00:02:19]:
Yes. And I love this because I'm actually gonna I'm about to be launching a program all on intuition. So I've been thinking deeper and deeper about this specifically. But one of the best tips I'd say is to slow down and get quiet because our intuition is comes through in little whispers. And so if we are we we all, not we all, a lot of us have really busy, loud lives, and we are going, going, going, and we're listening to stuff and we're kinda filling our day. So we need to slow down, quiet down so we can listen to the whispers of our of our intuition. And I love bringing in practices like meditation and somatic practices also that help you drop out of your mind that's trying to make everything logical and kinda come into our body and listen to the wisdom that is there.

Laura Kåmark [00:03:15]:
Oh, I love that. I find, like, I get a lot of my, like, best ideas or, like, you know, like, the shower ideas or when I'm driving and, like, when it's a little more, I'm doing kinda mundane tasks. Mhmm. And that's when, like, the ideas flow. Would you say that's kind of, like, your intuition coming through? Or

Chelsea Carter [00:03:36]:
Yeah. No. I definitely I definitely would agree that that's your intuition coming through. I even get a lot of things right as I'm, like, falling asleep at night. I like it. So it's great and sometimes annoying because I'm like, oh, I have to write that down, and I've, like, grabbed my phone, like, let me put this in my notes. But, yes, it is. And one really great way to decipher between your intuition and, not your intuition is your intuition kinda comes through, and it's not really an emotional thing.

Chelsea Carter [00:04:07]:
You don't feel heightened emotions when you get these intuitive hits. It just feels like knowing or wisdom that's coming through. And your intuition's also different from your inner wisdom, if you will, because that's kind of based off of your lived experiences. Because, obviously, as we live this life, we just gain wisdom from what we've experienced. And so intuition can feel like, what? Where did that come from? Because it really kinda comes from this divine connection that we have, within ourselves and with spirit, if you will. And so it doesn't feel like it kind of comes from experiences that we've gathered from our lifetime. It can just kinda come like a little hit, and some people feel like a gut feeling or, like, just channeling. Sometimes people can feel like I'm literally, like, channeling something.

Chelsea Carter [00:05:02]:
It can come in a different ways. Even, like, shivers up the spine and, like, things where your body is responding to something somebody else is telling you or something you just said and you get a little shiver up the spine or you get goosebumps. Like, that is the way your intuition is telling you, like, that's right. Listen to that. Like, go with that or something powerful is happening right here. It's, it's really interesting. There's so many different ways.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:28]:
Oh, I love that so much. Going back to, like, the ideas at bedtime, I literally have a pad of paper I keep next to the bed. I found for the shower, like, a waterproof shower notepad and pencil that hangs in there. It's like, no more bat no more great ideas down the drain. Like,

Chelsea Carter [00:05:45]:

Laura Kåmark [00:05:45]:
those things to help, like, when I get these, like oh, whether it's an idea or just like, oh, don't forget to do this thing. Because I swear the second I step out of the shower, I'm like, I had some ideas. Like, I've written some amazing emails, but they're all in my head. And I never and I'm like Oh, I feel feel like I wrote it. It it I thought it all out.

Chelsea Carter [00:06:05]:
Yeah. I know. Sometimes I'm like, if someone could just be narrating what's happening in my head, I would have written, like, so many bestsellers by now. Yes. That can be a thing.

Laura Kåmark [00:06:16]:
How did you get into this line of work? What's kinda like your background story

Chelsea Carter [00:06:20]:
on it? Yeah. So I have a really crazy background story. So I I've always gravitated towards jobs that have been, like, fulfilling in some way where they're meeting some need that I liked. I never kind of went into some, like, typical box, if you will. I was like, I can't do that. I already knew that from the beginning. But still, all these jobs that were so great, it never was like, this is hitting home for me. Mhmm.

Chelsea Carter [00:06:49]:
And it just didn't feel quite right. And so my last job was in the outdoor industry before I went into this space. And so one of the things during the winter, I was a ski instructor, and during the summer, I was hiking guide and leave no trace master educator. So I just, like, loved peep like, teaching people about being outdoors, connecting with the outdoors. Connecting with nature was is still a huge foundation of what I do and love. But I got to this place where I just felt really disconnected, depressed. I felt I just didn't know who I was, and it got to, like, a really dark place where I was like, I just can't live like this anymore. Like, this is just not working for me, and I need to do something different.

Chelsea Carter [00:07:36]:
So it's that total, like, rock bottom, like, this needs to change because this doesn't feel good anymore. And so I left my job. I started like, I had already had familiarization with meditation techniques. I didn't do them frequently, but I just knew, like, I need to start somewhere, and I'm gonna start doing a meditation every day. And it was a 15 minute meditation every day, and I started even just slowing down. And like we were talking about earlier, slowing down, quieting down, listening to my intuition, it led me to breath work. It led me to, all these different somatic practices like intuitive movement, EFT tapping, hypnobreath work, like, all of these different modalities that I was exploring and, different styles of meditation also. And my goal at that point was really to just connect with who I was.

Chelsea Carter [00:08:30]:
I didn't have any, like, I wanna get here. I wanna, like, end up here. I was just like, I am so sad and don't know who I am and feel so purposeless that I need to just feel good again. I knee I wanna know who I am. I, like you know, maybe wanna uncover my purpose, but, really, the baseline was like, I just need to feel good again. I just need to feel happy. And so I did, and I, brought in that, like, discipline for, like, doing the work because, again, like, when you kind of hit that, like, rock bottom space, it's like you have nothing left to lose. And that's kind of where that mentality I was at.

Chelsea Carter [00:09:09]:
I was like, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. And so, yeah, I just kept doing that in a year of that without doing like, working anywhere. Like, I just was, like, full on dedication to my own embodiment, if you will. And, at that point, I was doing, like, multiple practices a day. I have, like I'm looking over here because this used to be my goddess space. It still is, but it's evolving because we're hoping to move. So people apparently don't like, like, altars and, you know, a bunch of crystals when they're touring homes. They wanted to look more normal.

Chelsea Carter [00:09:47]:
I'm like, oh, okay. But, I would sit in my goddess space, and I had, like, my cards or my incense and my crystals. And, like, I had a have a mat, and I would lay down and just, like, do practices all day long, meditating 45 minutes a day, twice a day. And one of the meditations, I just got this whisper this whisper from my intuition that was just saying, host a women's circle. I had never been in a women's circle. Didn't know what a women's circle was. I had experienced holding space in different capacities, but I had never done anything like this. And so I was like, I have no idea what to do, but I guess I'm just going to invite any women to come over into my home, for the full moon, and we'll just see how it goes.

Chelsea Carter [00:10:39]:
And then that happened. And then the next full moon, the next full moon, the next full moon, and it compounded into, more people wanting to come and the those circles getting sold out. And so I had to have a full moon breath work event, And then I hosted my first retreat, at a full moon event too and ended up hosting 2 full moon retreats that year. And it just kinda compounded and compounded and grew. And, yeah, and it kinda led me here to where I'm at. Like, there's I could get into a lot more stuff, but that's kind of where it just it just compounded. I just kept walking into the unknown.

Laura Kåmark [00:11:20]:
Oh, I love that. How did you find for that first circle you did, how did you find the other women? Like, where did you reach out to, like, find the people to come into the space?

Chelsea Carter [00:11:30]:
Yeah. So I that's interesting question. I have a social media, and I would I'm trying to think. Like, there was definitely some people there that I didn't know, but I definitely reached out to some women that I was familiar with and knew on a personal level. And I said, hey. I'm gonna start doing this. Come on in. And I think I just posted on social media as well on my Instagram story because, like, that entire year also, I was like, I'm not I felt disconnected from wanting to post on social media as well.

Chelsea Carter [00:12:08]:
So I posted on my story and invited some friends, and that that was really it. And then it just I think a lot of referrals ended up happening. People were like, this is really fun. This is awesome. Come to this, and that's how it grew.

Laura Kåmark [00:12:25]:
Yeah. Because you're fine. I mean, the thing with social media is so much of the time is we're connecting, especially in the online space when we have online businesses. We're connecting with people who are all over the world.

Chelsea Carter [00:12:33]:

Laura Kåmark [00:12:34]:
I know for me, I have very small connections on my Facebook of local people to me. So that's I'll I think that's absolutely fascinating. I love that.

Chelsea Carter [00:12:44]:
Yeah. No. I so agree. I definitely have more of a global community. Recently, I'm have have had a baby, and I'm, like, grounding back into Denver itself. And so it's been really cool to explore different, like, networking events and connecting with more people here in person again, because a lot of those people that would come to my events, they are kind of floaters too. And so a lot of them have left. A lot of them aren't doing the work anymore or they're who knows where everybody's at? But just spreading my roots more into this community has been really interesting because I'm hosting bigger community events than what I was before.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:29]:
That's awesome. What would you say were some of the, like, fears and doubts you had when you were first going into, like, this unknown, and how'd you overcome them?

Chelsea Carter [00:13:37]:
Okay. The going into the unknown was like and just doing that kind of work, I didn't really have any fears or doubts because it was just like I I like I said, it was just like, I have nothing to lose. I just could go for it. But when I started hosting spaces and and when I started, like, becoming a space holder and, like, when I end up becoming a coach, which was another, like, random thing. Like, one of my friends ended up being like, can I hire you as a coach? And then that next week, 2 other women that were in the women's circles were like, can you be my coach too? And so that kinda was just sprung on me even though I've had, like, a very my whole life, I kind of was a coach to everybody in my life. I was always the person that people would come to when the shit would hit the fan. And so I've already had that, like, experience of being, that advice giver and that support. But when I stepped into this role more and created this career out of doing this, the fear of being seen was a big one.

Chelsea Carter [00:14:46]:
And I think it's it's about how thinking about how other people who have known me in different stages of my life are going to view me and think of me now. And the fear of judgment with that. Like, oh, gosh. Like, this person who did this at one point. Like, you know, just thinking of how they knew me in different lives and are going to apply this new life now. And when you really untangle it and when I untangle it, it seems really silly because I'm just like, no. Actually, it's all okay. And, you know, a lot of those people actually are really supportive and excited for this, like, new evolution of my being.

Chelsea Carter [00:15:28]:
But it's you get so caught up on your head because you wanna be accepted and loved. Like, as a at a core Yeah. Core part of being a human is we just want to be loved and accepted. And so when we think that we're gonna be going outside of that box and doing something different than what those people who used to love and accept you want, you're like, oh, shit. Are they still gonna love and accept me if I become this other version of myself or if I, you know, evolve, if I change? And sometimes those people do love you, and sometimes they're not for you, and that's okay too. So I think that was a big part of it was being seen in what I'm doing and that fear of being judged. And I think that was also, like, some of the most the deepest healing that I've done for myself was releasing those fears of being seen and being judged and just really allowing my full expression as, as a human. And that's allowed my actual, like, soul tribe to be called in because I wasn't wearing those masks to please everybody else in my world.

Chelsea Carter [00:16:47]:
I was actually connecting with who I was and letting that shine, and that shining light attracted the right people.

Laura Kåmark [00:16:58]:
Oh, I love that. For some of our listeners who maybe still feel like they're putting on a front, hiding behind the mask, do you have any advice or tips for them on how to really, like, come into that shine of being your own truth self and showing up that way for the world.

Chelsea Carter [00:17:19]:
Yeah. First, I wanna say, like, I understand how tough of a space that is, so give yourself a lot of grace. Like, this is not an overnight switch thing. And even every time you feel like, oh, I've got this down, like, there can sometimes be like, oh, wait. Oh, this is a little bit of a contraction, and I gotta continue to practice this. It's like you're working on new muscle, so give yourself grace. One thing I love to share with my clients, and I tell myself this all the time as I'm meeting new contraction levels of this, is to stop, like, thinking so much about myself and to think about the other people. And when I am, like, pretending to be another person because I think this is a person that everyone's gonna love, I'm actually robbing the entire world of experiencing my beautiful magic and my vibration as a human.

Chelsea Carter [00:18:16]:
And so and I'm continuing to perpetuate the, like see, I'm getting chills right now. This is this is good. I'm continuing to perpetuate that societal conditioning of, like, you need to be this way to be loved and accepted. And I I know if you're listening, you're probably if you were like, oh, my best friend feels this way, you would be like, no. Just be yourself. That's what I want for you. And so think of it instead as your best friend and feel like, oh, I actually can be myself. And that's going to make everybody else either fall more in love with me or find the right people who are meant for me.

Chelsea Carter [00:19:00]:
And, it's really gonna inspire also your community. I think that's one of the things that a lot of us don't realize is when you start doing this sort of work of coming in into yourself, you really begin a ripple in your own community of other people getting permission to be themselves. Because even if you are like, hey. I'm changing, and this is kind of what I like. People are like, oh, wait. We can do that?

Laura Kåmark [00:19:28]:
Oh, cool.

Chelsea Carter [00:19:29]:
I think I've been putting on masks too, and so and so really inspired me. And I'm I'm gonna connect with myself, and I'm gonna let my own free flag fly. Yep.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:44]:
I can relate to that so much. I know I had so many blocks when I was starting out my business, and, like, the longest time, I could not email my list. Like, I just I could not email them. I worked with a mindset coach. We finally got past it. She finally was like, write your emails to me. And now I'll send out emails, and she'll reply back a lot of times, be, like, I literally started reading this thinking it was just an email to me and not one being sent out to Laura list. I'm like, yes.

Laura Kåmark [00:20:08]:
It's working. I'm doing it. That's the that was the goal. Right? To you know? Because she's also a client of mine, so I always just try to write my emails to her, and it was that, like, one little shift that helped me, like, slowly get past that, like, huge block I had.

Chelsea Carter [00:20:22]:
Yeah. I love that so much. And I I think when we start to look at it's it's weird where where these blocks come from. Yeah. And you can start to untangle, like, where they can come from in, you know, early childhood and or conditioning from society. Mhmm. But when we give ourselves that permission, they're just like, hey. I'm gonna email it like I would somebody who's close to me and just, like, let myself be seen in that way.

Chelsea Carter [00:20:48]:
I bet you also have other people in that email list that are loving and appreciating these emails, and then you're like, god. I should've been doing this sooner. Like, why did I wait so long?

Laura Kåmark [00:20:59]:
Yeah. There's it's kinda interesting. I just started, this year. I was challenged by one of the coaches I work with. She challenged our whole group in the mastermind to, create income reports, And she's like, you don't have to do anything with them. You don't have to share them. I was like, well, I have a podcast. Might as well share them.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:15]:
And so now I've been doing income reports, which is really scary to put all that out and, like, get into the deep dive. Like, the whole idea is to really review the numbers and talk about different things, you know, lessons learned, really being open about my goals and what I accomplished, the things I didn't accomplish. And the feedback I'm getting from other people, like the DMs and all that on how much they appreciate it and love seeing the back end and seeing, like, just the The realness. The realness, thank you, of you know, this is what is actually happening in my business. It's not all, you know, sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows that we see on Instagram. Like, this is truly what's happening. Like and so it's been really interesting. It's definitely terrifying, but I'm, like, just keep, like, you know, stretching that muscle.

Laura Kåmark [00:22:01]:
Like, let's it's okay. We can do this.

Chelsea Carter [00:22:03]:
I love that. And it's funny too like, for anyone listening, I know we probably both resonate with this too with the people who we like the most following and listening to are people who are vulnerable, who are sharing it all, and who, like, are okay with being seen in their mess. And so that's the other thing, like, you just kinda mentioned. We We don't have to be perfect. Like, just go ahead and move. Like, I like the idea of, like, messy action. It's like some people think, like, oh, I have to have a through z figured out before I do a. And that's one thing I've loved that I kinda ripped the Band Aid off.

Chelsea Carter [00:22:43]:
I was like, I just you just start walking. Like I said, walking into the unknown, being seen in your mess, and people will find you, and it's beautiful. You don't have to be perfect. Instagram is definitely just, you know, a filter a version of people's lives.

Laura Kåmark [00:22:59]:
Exactly. Oh, I love this. I wanna switch gears a little bit and talk about, like, the tech and website behind your business just because I totally geek out on this stuff and love hearing about it. Can you tell me a little bit about just kinda your website journey in your business of, like, what it was like with your first website creation and how that's evolved to what it is now.

Chelsea Carter [00:23:17]:
Yeah. So my first website, I felt like things needed to be super complicated. I thought that, like, complication made me look more professional. I was like, oh, I need to have a bunch of there in lots of detail. So every like, you know, and it got to a point where I realized, like, people were just, like, send they had, like, the send me the link vibes. Like, they didn't need a website. And that's the kind of people Laura was attracting is people who are like, yes. I know your energy.

Chelsea Carter [00:23:57]:
I've seen, like, the work that you do. Just send me the link. And so the first iteration was very complicated, and then the second iteration was literally, I just made made a whole new home page, and it just had a list of, it had, like, hello. Welcome to heart centered humans. And then it had all of my events, and then it had, like, the services that I had listed. And at the very bottom, it had my bio. So it was like, just scroll, scroll, scroll. You can see it, whatever you need to, and that was it.

Chelsea Carter [00:24:28]:
And, usually, I was just sending people direct links to things when they would ask an Instagram. And right now, I'm actually giving my website a makeover because I kind of have different, as you could see from my bio, I have different things that I like to do. And so I'm gonna have a home page that's just like, hi. What are you interested in? And it's gonna be, like, Denver in person events, retreats, breath work, psychedelic experiences, or coaching and mentorship, and then have a link for people to click, and then that is where the information will go. And if people are interested in all of it, there'll be a subscribe thing too. So I'm trying to, like, still try to keep it single, sim simple, but also have, like, these individual spaces where people can go and hone in on what they came to me to experience.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:25]:
Oh, I love that. What, platform do you use for your website currently?

Chelsea Carter [00:25:29]:
Wix. Oh, okay. And I do have a second website. So that's for, like, all for my breath work. It's And I actually hired somebody to build all of that out because at that point, I was just like, I want this to look really sexy and professional, and I don't have the time and capacity for it. I was, like, just getting married, and I was like, I don't wanna do this. And I hired a really incredible website team, and they built it out.

Chelsea Carter [00:26:01]:
And they also built, like, a membership area in it as well. So I have, like, a Breathwork and Somatics membership where people can buy for you know, there's 2 different versions of the membership, and they can cancel anytime and just have this, like, vault of so many breath work and somatic recordings.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:26]:
Love that. I find one of the things that as I've been talking with people that really can change a business is the email list and really getting more active with chain with emailing your list and talking to them and growing that list. And I feel that that's something that, as entrepreneurs, I know I that was something I put off for a really long time. So I would love to know when did you start building your list?

Chelsea Carter [00:26:52]:
Yeah. So I've well, I've always had, like, you know, the subscribe here kinda thing. So just typical things when you come into my website. And, I'd say, like, a year ago or so, I, like, added a freebie to my subscribers. So I was like, click here for a fire ceremony when you subscribe. And so people were it was you know, they were getting a little taste of me, and I had a lot more subscribers coming in at that point. And recently, I I'm just, you know, starting to host in person events in Denver here again. And so I've been building, like, my Denver specific subscriber list.

Chelsea Carter [00:27:42]:
And so I've been, like, posting, honestly, like, every other day, like, Colorado people click this link and subscribe. And for anyone listening, like, I know you're probably like, oh, I just need to do this once. It's like, no. People need just I every time I post that, like, 2 to 10 different people subscribe from, like, all the different channels. And I when I go to networking events, I'm talking. I'm like, hey. If you're if you're interested, if you're an email person, here's my subscriber thing. And I hand them my phone, and it's right there.

Chelsea Carter [00:28:15]:
Like, make it easy for people. And people are like I was just at an event last night, and they're like, oh, this is much better than social media for me. They're like, because then I actually get an email into my inbox. Because social media, sometimes people miss it. You know? There's, you know, you're not on social media for a day or the algorithm doesn't put you that you in the people's news feeds. Like, whatever it is, emails are great because it goes directly to people. And, like, when, you know, social media fails or whatever for a couple days, you still have that list. And so I have been working more on intentionally building that and actual and having, like, the tag for, like, Denver specific.

Chelsea Carter [00:28:53]:
I just made, like, a subscription form box, and I called it the Denver one. And so, like, now when I'm writing my emails like I just did this morning, I clicked Denver and then, like, all of the events that I've had in Denver in the past, and just that was the people that got that email. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:12]:
Love it. Yeah. It's the and email marketing is so important to our businesses, and that's something I'm hearing more and more people are putting more emphasis on. I need to be building my list. And then once you build it, I need to be communicating with my list.

Chelsea Carter [00:29:27]:
Yeah. I could I can work on that part a little more.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:30]:
We all can.

Chelsea Carter [00:29:32]:
I I've always felt like I have to write, like, a novel on an email. I'm like, I have to update them on every little thing in my life because I've also been like, I have been sporadic to, like, you know, a once a month kind of email. And I've that's one of my goals from, like, last month and moving forward is to be communicating with my email list more just like you shared. And I actually even put on my stories a poll. I'm like, do people like, do you read a long email, or do you like it short and sweet? And, Like, everybody was like, short and sweet. Like, that's what I like. And so that's empowered me too, just seeing my my coaches that are like they have, like, a couple sentences, and it's like, here. Buy now.

Chelsea Carter [00:30:15]:
And I'm like, oh, I love that. I just get down to the nitty gritty, don't need to know much more. And, so I am definitely gonna be exercising that more just like that short and sweet mentality and also sending out more emails. And I think that's another level that I am meeting right now of being seen. Yep. Being seen in somebody's inbox. You know? And so you every level you grow into, there's more more work to do.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:43]:
Yeah. I have clients that but in the last couple years, we've been setting up, like, evergreen nurture sequences, so they don't they know. Because I had one client. She was just email she was so consistent with emailing her list, and her emails were so good. She's copywriter. So and they're funny, and they got great stories. And I'm like, I love reading your emails. I'm like, but I feel so bad because the new people getting on your list that you know, you just spoke at a summit last week.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:06]:
And now you have all these new people. They're never gonna get those old emails. Like, you should be repurposing that good stuff, the stuff that isn't like, hey. We have an event coming up soon, but the stuff that's like, here's other stuff I can give you, other valuable information, valuable tips, trainings, any of that other stuff that we provide to our community. And so I've been finding that's been something that's really helped clients get over that, like, you know, oh, I have to email again. I have to email. It's like that never ending to do checklist thing because we just I know for like, I have one set up for myself, but it only goes so far. So I'm still like, oh, I need to add more emails.

Chelsea Carter [00:31:43]:
Yeah. I I completely agree with that repurposing thing. That's one thing I've noticed in myself when I'm trying to create content. I'm like, what's brand new? But, really, people first, they hardly ever notice when you're, like, saying the same thing. And when you're saying the same thing over and over and over again in different ways, it actually helps your community more because people learn in those different ways.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:11]:

Chelsea Carter [00:32:11]:
And if you look at any of these people who are doing really successful, most of them are saying the same thing in a bunch of different ways, and that's they become that expert in that part of business or life. Exactly. I know that's something that I've been learning recently too is just embracing that it's okay to continue to save the same thing. You don't have to come up with new material every every day.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:39]:
Yeah. Exactly. Oh, so good. We are getting close to our time, but I could literally sit here and talk to you all day about this stuff. I do have one question that I ask everyone who comes on the show, and that is what is one piece of advice you would give someone when they are growing and scaling their business to help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves?

Chelsea Carter [00:33:05]:
Alright. Outside of listening to your intuition and giving out of your own head,

Laura Kåmark [00:33:17]:

Chelsea Carter [00:33:19]:
and this kind of goes with the the energy we are talking about before, but really realizing that when you are being called to do something, it is a divine assignment. It's a sacred responsibility. I just made a post about this because I feel so strongly. And, you know, you think of people, you know, going let's just say the craziest, totally not on topic thing. Like, people are going to war, and they're like, I'm being ordered to do this by something higher. Well, you can think about that with your business. You're like, oh, I'm like the I'm literally being ordered by the divine to do this work. This is so important to the world that I am the person.

Chelsea Carter [00:34:03]:
I'm the general in charge of, you know, helping people feel connected to sales or doing their tech stuff. Like, whatever it is. Like, I am it's bigger than me. And so coming in with that mentality of this isn't just me doing something. This is actually a calling that I've been bestowed onto onto me, I think that really lets you feel that it's, yeah, it's just much bigger than you, and you can get out of your way easier by doing that.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:39]:
I think that's fantastic advice. Chelsea, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners where they can come find you, connect with you, get in your world?

Chelsea Carter [00:34:50]:
Yeah. So my favorite place to hang out is Instagram. And so you can find me at the Chelsea Renee, couple underscores behind after that. And, I also have my website, heart centered, and my other website, somatic breath If you wanna find out all of the magic there, there's

Laura Kåmark [00:35:10]:
a lot of fun stuff I do. Wonderful. I will link all that up in the show notes. Thank you so much. This was such a fun conversation.

Chelsea Carter [00:35:17]:
Thank you so much for having me.

Laura Kåmark [00:35:22]:
Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. Be sure to check out the show notes atloracomark.comforward/podcast. And if you're ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time, and simplify the back end of your business, grab my free resource, power integrations for your website. Head on over to If you enjoyed today's episode, make sure to subscribe. Can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening. I'll see you next week.

Laura Kåmark [00:35:57]:
Can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening. I'll see you next week. Bye now.