Be Bold, Make Waves with Laura Kåmark

Simplifying Your Business for Higher Conversions with Sabine Matharu of Reach for Greatness

Laura Kåmark Episode 75

Meet Sabine:

Sabine Matharu is a seasoned business startup and growth expert with over 20 years of coaching and consulting experience. As the founder and CEO of REACH FOR GREATNESS LTD, she specializes in supporting female entrepreneurs establish their online business and organisations with leadership and business consultancy. Sabine is also the driving force behind The Empowerment Portal, a collaborative platform she launched in 2020. This platform unites small business owners to enhance employee engagement, corporate culture, and well-being. 

An accomplished author with three books to her name, including "Rise: In Pursuit of Empowerment" and "Shift - A New Era Begins," Sabine is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential.

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Ready to evergreen your emails?  Let's hop on a call and see if working together is a fit.

For the transcript and show notes:

Laura Kåmark [00:00:01]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast, a show bringing you inspiring stories of women who are growing and scaling their business. I'm your host, Laura Kamark, a website and tech integration specialist who works with online business owners who love their work and not their website. Join me as we have incredible conversations about business, mindset, productivity, and, of course, the website and tech behind the business. Let's go ahead and dive in to this week's episode. Hello, and welcome to this week's show. For those of you who don't already know me, I'm Laura Kamark, Evergreen email marketing expert for coaches and consultants who love their work but not their tech. My guest today is Sabine Matharro.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:47]:
Sabine is a seasoned business start up and growth expert with over 20 years of coaching and consulting experience. As the founder and CEO of Reach For Greatness l Limited, she specializes in supporting female entrepreneurs establish their online business and organizations with leadership and business consultancy. Sabine is also the driving force behind the Empowerment Portal, a collaborative platform she launched in 2020. This platform unites small business owners to enhance employee engagement, corporate culture, and well-being. An accomplished author with 3 books to her name, including Rise, In Pursuit of Empowerment, and Shift, A New Era Begins, Sabine is dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to reach their full potential. Sabine, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit about how you got into the online space and coaching and consulting?

Sabine Matharu [00:01:41]:
Yeah. Hi, Laura. Thank you so much for having me. I've just listened to my bio, and I thought, oh, did I do all of that stuff? Actually, and I did. I did. And I'm thinking, well, actually and quite recently, I just started with the whole evergreen. I think this is what we're gonna talk about today. Yeah.

Sabine Matharu [00:01:58]:
Just a quick one. I mean, I was never really planning from the outset to become an entrepreneur. I had my just normal career. I went into I was in consulting. I was always a troubleshooter, and then people started to come to me and ask me a lot of questions. And I was always a shoulder to cry on and, you know, giving them solutions or just being a coach, but I didn't really know I was a coach back then. I I now know, okay, I kind of had always had the inkling, and I I just love doing that and troubleshooting. So, really, I guess it started off when I had kids.

Sabine Matharu [00:02:35]:
I just didn't wanna go back into the 9 to 5, and so I stayed an entrepreneur. And it's well, my my my kids are now 15 and 12, so I can guess how many years I've been self employed. And, yeah, I have been through a a lot of things. I've I've done a lot of different projects, and, I learned a lot about myself as well in this journey.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:58]:
Oh, I bet. I mean, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart.

Sabine Matharu [00:03:02]:
Not not at all. Nope. Not at all.

Laura Kåmark [00:03:07]:
So talk to me a little bit about, like, when someone comes to you today, what is typically the the big thing they're looking for help with?

Sabine Matharu [00:03:17]:
Yeah. So as we just talked about, entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted. I think and this this is where I was as as well. I think what we all do is we we go off, and we just think of something that we can sell or some something that we've mastered and we know we can help others with as well. Right? So most of the time, people start like that. And then they realize or even worse, they create an online course. They code it, and they do the whole sales file, all the tech, and spend a lot of time, energy, and money. And then they wanna sell it, and then it doesn't work.

Sabine Matharu [00:04:01]:
So they forgot to build an audience to start with, or the message doesn't work, and and just something doesn't marry up. It's just, you know, it's just throwing spaghetti on the wall. So and I did the same. I I I admit. Hands up. I exact you know, I I didn't know any better. But now as I'm looking back at my journey, I I would have some really good advice to my younger self, to be honest with you. And that would be actually take a bit more time when it comes to creating your foundations, become super, super clear as to, number 1, why are you in this business? Why do you do what you're doing? And and then what kind of shifts are you creating? Because that starts to manifest, and you become very self confident with regards to what you're selling.

Sabine Matharu [00:04:54]:
Because that's you know, sometimes we even if we have everything, then we we stop showing up because we are not sure this what we're selling is actually going to work, or we've never sold it before. So there's a lot of internal work as well. So that's kind of, like, really creating the foundations. And then around that, we need to create some sort of strategy that is kinda sustainable rather than, yeah, I'm just gonna go for it for a month, and then, you know, it's almost like running a sprint, but you're supposed to run a marathon. So running so fast that you're super exhausted and, like, you try something, it doesn't work, and then people give up. Right? So that that's another little, kind of pitfall. So it's really and this is where where I'm turning into this evergreen, and you're green of evergreen as well. And we complement each other so nicely, which which is so interesting when we when we just spoke before the the recording.

Sabine Matharu [00:05:54]:
So so it's important to actually really think about the long term gay, game. Right? We're here to sell a service and to be of service to others in the long run. So how are we really going to build this business? What are the different puzzle pieces? And and really build it on a on a solid foundation. I mean, that's that's I don't know how else to express it. It is a solid foundation that everybody seems like feels like, they're really bored doing it, like, really bored of really nailing who they are selling to, what their problems are, and and then really creating, like, a signature, program that's their own methodology because there's so many people that are out there that do probably the same as you do. Mhmm. So how are you gonna stand out? So all these puzzle pieces, that's really what I do. I go into the nitty gritty and sort of dig deep with my my clients and then create that strategy, which is long term, and which they can run then, because it's not about reinventing yourself after every 3 months.

Sabine Matharu [00:07:04]:
And then, you know, we know about content creation as well. Right? Because a lot of people are swapping and changing their messaging. And, again, it's very unhealthy to do this. This is why we need to spend more time doing the foundational pieces rather than lunging in and then, oh, this doesn't work. Oh, actually, it's not quite my the niche that I want to be.

Laura Kåmark [00:07:30]:
I think too the thing that happens so much that I know I've seen is where you launch the thing, and then you're like, oh, I didn't get the results I wanted. But Yeah. You don't you you have to keep rinse and repeat because you're not gonna get the results the first time. And some people might, but that's rare. I always tell clients the first launch is really for us to get the tech figured out, get those emails written, get everything, all the tech stuff, because there's always gonna be a tech glitch in a launch. It's not a true launch if something tech doesn't break or the wrong link isn't sent out. Like, it's just not. It will always happen.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:07]:
Something will go down.

Sabine Matharu [00:08:08]:
And and and and it's it's great that we we could talk a bit about launching, if you like, because I always say, yeah, you gotta you gotta launch a couple of times to to really get a feel for, you know, what's the feedback? Mhmm. Yeah. Is the tech working? And, yeah, does it convert? Do do people want what you have to sell as well in terms of your offer and how you are, presenting yourself? And and it's it's it's it's also practice run. Again, sometimes you just have to say, I'm just gonna launch regardless of what you know, I'm just detaching myself from the outcome. And some people have this idea, you know, from launching, obviously, you Laura lot of time and energy and money into everything. And then, oh, it didn't work, and then they gave up. But the launch is just, you know, do it every month. Just go for it over and over and over again.

Sabine Matharu [00:09:09]:
It's almost like like our kids. Right? They had to learn how to walk. They they probably, you know, fell down a couple of times, but they kept on pulling themselves up on the table again and and then start to walk properly. That's how we need to see our business, and this is, I guess, where a lot of people really get hung up on. They they just don't they just just give up or, you know, they just sort of fall into this depression stage where I'm a failure. It didn't work, rather than just looking at what could I optimize. Let me change this little thing. I'll get some feedback from the people who were at the launch or people who are in my field.

Sabine Matharu [00:09:54]:
So it's always about engaging the field and getting feedback.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:58]:
I find a lot of times too, the number one thing is not enough eyes on the offer. And that's the thing that also I think can sometimes be overlooked is you gotta have the audience. You gotta have enough people looking at that sales page. And a lot of times you you know, look at the conversion rates. A lot of times, you're right where you should be. You only got that one sale. Well, that actually makes sense based on your numbers. So you did great.

Laura Kåmark [00:10:21]:
Just go get more eyes on it.

Sabine Matharu [00:10:24]:
Absolutely. 100% right. The other thing I think as well and I I don't know, but I I get, like, crazy numbers when I launch. I have I mean, typically, I guess, I I do, like, challenges or webinars, for example, and I I have them both live. I still love managing stuff. I just love teaching and all that and and and and and just helping people. But I also have my my evergreen running in between the launches. So what and and and funny enough with the evergreen, a lot of people say, oh, evergreen, it's prerecorded.

Sabine Matharu [00:11:00]:
The conversions are gonna be very low, and the show up rate is very low. But the way I've put it in place, I have 63% of people who register for the webinar showing up kind of live going into the live environment. And out of that, I have, like, 40% booking a call. So and my my my conversions are just really very different. I don't know why. Because maybe I'll just go with the I'm I'm I don't know. I'm I'm just a human human being. I'm I'm not trying to to be you know, some some of these people, like, gurus are, like, all all this sales y and hype y and all that.

Sabine Matharu [00:11:38]:
And I'm just not I'm just really, really straightforward. Yeah. So and even with the live launches, even if I have a small audience, again, I I once only had about I had a 100 people register, then 20 came to the live, and then it fizzled out because I did it over 5 days, and and it's normal. But I still had 7 people buy the program, so I don't know what what I did. So it that's just a really, really high conversion considered. I think that brings up

Laura Kåmark [00:12:08]:
a really good point about just showing up and being you and not worrying about it being, you know, perfect and all those things. I also have found a lot of times I have a lot of friends that will gets caught up in perfectionism, and I'm I I've done it too over the years. I mean, it's it can be hard to put yourself out there, and when you can go forward knowing, like, people actually relate to you more when you show up as your imperfect self versus worrying about, oh, I say too much, or I made a mistake on this one thing. It's it's fine. There's a typo on your slide. It's okay.

Sabine Matharu [00:12:42]:
Yep. Absolutely right. Absolutely. I think it's just important to show up and to to serve. And and sometimes, yeah, just detach yourself because otherwise, you have this needy energy. Like, I need to sell. I need to sell, and you buy now. I'm so turned off now by going on to other people's webinars where there is this offer stack.

Sabine Matharu [00:13:06]:
Right? And I'm like, yeah. K. It's the same old. It's the same old. So how can we be different? How can we maybe when when, you know, when

Laura Kåmark [00:13:16]:
they zig, we zag. We do something different. So what is that? And bring your bring yourself to the table. Bring your own personality to the table. And I think the world is gonna be a much better place rather than trying to be someone that you're not than just modeling some blueprint that someone else is giving you. Yeah. Exactly. I love that you do evergreen because as we were talking about before we hit record, I have been niching down.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:45]:
I've been doing helping clients with evergreen for years, but now I'm niching down into that's, like, my main offer that I am talking about now, which is evergreen email setup, the strategy, the systems, and the setup for it. So I would love to talk a little bit about your evergreen systems that you have in place where you're talking about you you still do the live launches, but you also have the evergreen. So how often are you doing live?

Sabine Matharu [00:14:10]:
Yeah. So I, personally, I do live launches every 6 weeks. K. But I always have I have 2 challenges that I do and 2 2 webinars, basically. So the webinars is just a snippet of the challenge. So challenge is 5 days, and so with 5 tasks kind of thing, and and you just alternate. Right? You just alternate. So why keep on reinventing yourself over and over again? Because a lot of people do that.

Sabine Matharu [00:14:42]:
Every time they launch, they think they need to create a whole new sort of launch system. Mhmm. And when why is it evergreen? So I'm gonna so just just two thoughts here. Number 1, obviously, the webinar is evergreen. That means people can just watch it. It runs every 15 minutes. So if someone gets onto my landing page, they can register, and then it just runs, you know, every 15 minutes. So it's instant.

Sabine Matharu [00:15:09]:
Now we gotta think about who is this for. It's good for people who are on platforms who are platforms who are already watching longer videos. So I have very high conversions from YouTube. So I run, also YouTube ads. So that means it just interjects any sort of similar videos that someone's already watching. Okay? So that's how I'm getting a lot of people coming on live. So that's the the evergreen system that it runs on a specific software. A lot of my clients come to me, and they're like, yeah.

Sabine Matharu [00:15:43]:
But can't I just do a webinar, record it, and put it on YouTube, and then send it out? I said, well, that's not really an evergreen life, kind of environment because people can just pause or skip. Yeah. And it's not simulating that sort of live environment, and this is why we need specific software to host it. And of and then, obviously, after that, people, you know, we will we will send out the replay and that kind of thing. And then then you would come and play. Right? It's a nurture email. It's like, what's happening after that? Right? So so that's the webinar. And when it comes to challenges, so I'm doing them live at the moment, but I'm looking to evergreen them as well.

Sabine Matharu [00:16:26]:
So that means anyone can go through my challenge even between the times that well, I'm not doing a challenge. And that would mean that every day, they get a task. I'm using email Kamark email software for that, so, sending out a task every day. Also ManyChat, that's a big one. I didn't realize when I first started about, when I when I create create challenges, I would host them the live challenges in a Facebook group and then go live there. But not a lot of people see that I went live unless I used email and ManyChat. So I'm typing and because even email open rates are quite low, whereas if someone subscribes to ManyChat, which is a bot that sits inside of Facebook Messenger. So, basically, people subscribe to that, and then I can send them a message and say, hey.

Sabine Matharu [00:17:23]:
Task number 1 isn't out in the group. Go and watch it. Here's the link kind of thing. Right? So the open rates are, like, over 90%. And you can also do other amazing things with bots. You can ask me question. You can send them little voice messages. So you can make it really personalized.

Sabine Matharu [00:17:44]:
And I think that's one of the secrets, when it comes to bringing people into a challenge and keeping them engaged because a lot of people are just not seeing your stuff because of the Facebook algorithm.

Laura Kåmark [00:17:59]:
I have always wondered how people send those messages on Facebook. I know I know I'm very familiar with how ManyChat runs on Instagram. I didn't realize that was the bot that was being used for the Facebook with the challenges when they send it. I'm like, this is cool. So that's thank you for that. I was I need to many chats, one of those tech pieces that's on my list of I need to explore this more because that's definitely something that

Sabine Matharu [00:18:26]:
I've been when everything

Laura Kåmark [00:18:28]:
is right and I have the time and capacity and the bandwidth, that's definitely, like, high up on the list for me to implement in my business.

Sabine Matharu [00:18:35]:
Yeah. Yeah. And I I think it's a good one to have, especially with live launching because I did there was, like, even I guess even for webinars, it might work. You know, people come from Facebook when they register on the thank you page. It would say, you know, get the webinar link or go to Facebook group. And then what happens is they actually sign up to the bot. There's a button that you sign up to the bot, and then it sends a message with the link to the next step, basically. Because I I actually tested it, and I had a really horrendous time when I didn't use it because there was a time when Facebook really restricted those third party apps.

Sabine Matharu [00:19:14]:
I mean, they're always doing it now again, you know, with Zoom and stuff like that. But, yeah, there are certain ways to set it up. And and when clients come to my program, they will actually get the whole setup as part and parcel because, you know, there is there's a whole messenger flow behind all this, and there's training around. But, basically, it's just copy and paste into their in into their account, and then they're pretty much there. They just need to amend it Mhmm. To their own bits and pieces.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:45]:
So after you do either your webinar or your live challenges, what is the container that you are selling people into? Is it a group coaching program? Is it 1 on 1 coaching? What's typically that container?

Sabine Matharu [00:19:56]:
Yeah. So I have two levels. Keeping really simple in my business because my tagline is, simplify, systematize, and scale. Those are the things we do. Because I had too many complex sales funnels, which I deleted, last year, and I decided just to put all my programs into 1 container, which is now a a a group program, and hybrid with 1 to 1. So we'll have 2 two levels. 1 is more like a VIP program. But but in essence, it's called the limitless coach success formula, where we look at everything where, evergreen.

Sabine Matharu [00:20:36]:
So, again, we're we're looking at foundations. We're, like, looking at building, signature programs or group programs or looking at just generally because I've I've had memberships as well. I've had, as I said, sales funnels with low low ticket items and upsells and downsells. So I actually teach all of this stuff and show the advantages, the disadvantages, and the numbers so people actually really get to grips with where do they really want to go. And then we move on to obviously, once we have the program, I tell them, don't even create any slides or any videos. You know? Just sell the thing. And then we sell it sell them sell people into a beta program, which is like a bit of a test program if someone's really completely new. But there's also people coming in who are a bit more advanced, and they already have their program.

Sabine Matharu [00:21:30]:
They've sold it. They have a lot of 1 to 1 clients. They're, like, really their calendar is full, and they're like, I want to increase my income. I want to decrease the time that I'm spending with my clients. So they need to create a container which suits their lifestyle and helps them leverage. Sometimes it's about, increasing pricing, and maybe it's about creating a group program or maybe is about creating a membership. So this is what we figure out together. Once they've got that, then it's like, okay.

Sabine Matharu [00:22:03]:
How are we gonna fill these programs? So, basically, we do we do create, fill, and convert within the program. Right? So we're gonna create something. We're gonna wanna fill it. We wanna see how we're gonna get people in. So I've got also within the program an organic, was it what do I call it? The organic audience accelerator. So, basically, peep some people really just want to go organic, and they wanna put in their time and energy to build their audience so they have, like, 26 strategies within that they can follow. And I recommend do not use all 26. Go with 2 or 3.

Sabine Matharu [00:22:43]:
But at least I give them all the information as to what's available. And then we also have the paid option. So if someone wants to do some some some ads, Facebook ads, YouTube ads, I'll set them up with that as well. And then, obviously, we look at the launch method, either challenge, webinar, live, and evergreen. I mean, once you've you've you've done it live, you can obviously evergreen it and create those evergreen funnels as well. And then I think it's about continuously nurturing Yep. The For our audience. Right.

Sabine Matharu [00:23:21]:
More audiences. So, you know, what do you do on a daily basis? What are your daily habits? You know, including me for many, many years, I was just twiddling my thumbs. Okay. What do I wanna put out today? Okay. I'm just gonna write this kind of content. It was very unstrategic, very unorganized, and very frustrated about content creation. I think a lot of people are very frustrated. So how about creating something that's evergreen in terms of creating content, reutilizing that content, and making it so strategic that you're very focused on what you put out there and very clear on your message rather than just putting anything out there and then you hear crickets.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:06]:
Yep. Oh, that's, yeah, that's exactly what I've been helping clients with is getting that strategy put in place and coming up with getting the systems all dialed in and setting it up so that they're able to, again, just, like, fill that front end of the funnel. And that's what they can focus on is going out there, being visible, you know, speaking on podcasts, speaking at summits, just building their list and getting visibility so that and then they know once people get on their list, they're gonna be nurtured. They're They're gonna get offers made to them. They're not having to worry about that as much and taking that to do that con that constant content creating hamster wheel that we all seem to be get stuck on and being able to reuse that. I had a client. She's a beautiful copywriter, and she writes the most amazing, fun, engaging emails. And I told her, I said, I feel so bad for the people who are just now getting on your list because they're never gonna get this amazing content that you've already put out because you're not reusing it.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:01]:
I'm like, well, you know, we could take these emails, and it's good it's good content. There's no reason not to repurpose that into an evergreen system.

Sabine Matharu [00:25:11]:
Oh, absolutely. Because what what you could have done is create videos out of those and then create some little snippets from those videos, put them on Instagram, YouTube, and everywhere else. Right? And and this is the thing. That's where we are on this hamster wheel, and we're just reinventing ourselves over and over again because we think it's not good enough or to think I mean, who knows that after 90 days, probably people will have would have forgotten that you have posted that. I mean, why not create something every 90 days? You just start over or or, okay, delete the stuff which you think wasn't isn't aligned anymore. But, yeah, a lot of things you just put in place once, and then it works for you. And that's not just content, but also your business presentation, like, I. E.

Sabine Matharu [00:25:58]:
Your challenge or your webinar. This is where the big chunk is. This is where the sales is happening. This is where you share your expertise in this piece. But it can be the the same machine because you know yeah. You can focus on attracting people. You can focus on giving value, sharing what you love doing, and you know that everything in the system is being taken care of. And, hopefully, at the end of if you set it up correctly, there is either a sale or there is a call booking.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:30]:
Yep. Oh, I love it. Love it. Love it. I wanna talk a little bit about we're gonna kinda switch gears. Talk a little bit about some of the mindset stuff that comes up as an entrepreneur. And when you first were starting out in your business and, you know, really grabbing that title of coach consultant. I mean, that can be there can be a lot that goes on with mindset stuff.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:51]:
And what were some of the mindset hurdles that you and how did you overcome those?

Sabine Matharu [00:26:57]:
I'm still struggling with those. I'm still working. I I just got a book here. I don't know if you can see it, but it says, breaking the habit of being yourself, doctor Joe Dispenza. I think it's quite a well known book. Because I'm always I'm always reading. I'm always listening to things because I think the main thing that we're we're struggling with is imposter syndrome. Right? We're not good enough.

Sabine Matharu [00:27:22]:
No. Well, who who wants my stuff? And so that's big. And, guess, we also get distracted by social media when we go online and we see someone else posting, and maybe they have this wonderful video, and it's it's all edited. And but we don't know who they've put in the background. Like, you know, they may have been at it for 10 years, and they're already 6, 7 figure business owners who have a huge team. And maybe they already have a huge sort of overhead in the background oh, ahead of you. I think so this I have to remind myself over and over again. I think it's beautiful just to stay in your lane, carve out your own path, and just stick with that and focus on it.

Sabine Matharu [00:28:10]:
Otherwise, you're just gonna be distracted, and you may even fall off the path and not find back again. And it happened to me as well when all of a sudden, oh, this stuff is not good enough. I gotta go back and rehash everything and redo my landing pages and redo my photographs because it's not good enough and or redo the branding. I've been there many, many, many times. But you know what? Actually, I say now imperfection is is good and is is is is good enough. Just be imperfect rather than not doing anything at all.

Laura Kåmark [00:28:47]:
I love that. You've mentioned a couple times that you very much simplified your business. You had all the complicated funnels. You kinda burned them down and got rid of them, and now it's all about simplicity, which I love. That's one of my core values. How was there something that happened that kind of was, I don't know, maybe the straw that broke the camel's back on the city, and you were like, I'm done with this. Let's go back to square 1 and start simple.

Sabine Matharu [00:29:10]:
Yeah. It was it was like that. I mean, I was I was I was opening my account, and, all of a sudden, I just couldn't even track anymore what was happening and where the optimization opportunities were because I had so many different funnels, so many different email sequences and automations and tags and this, that, and the other. And I was like, do I need all this stuff? Do I really need all this stuff? Because I I tell you, most of the sales usually come from 80% of the sales are coming from 20% of the programs. Right? Usually, that's a 80 20 rule. Yep. So I stripped everything out. I thought, well, why can't I move all the small bits into my week program? And and then it's so much easier to talk to this one one avatar, this one person rather than trying to sell all these other things as well.

Sabine Matharu [00:30:02]:
You know? So we'll just create this one house, big house with lots of different rooms rather than renting out different rooms separately. Right? Yeah. I mean, it was it was lit you there. I was like, okay. I'm just gonna delete it. It and and, also, I've changed. You know, my energy has up leveled as well. I was doing a lot of internal work and mindset work and, you know, yeah, up leveling my own self belief and the way I want to show up for my clients.

Sabine Matharu [00:30:33]:
I obviously improved also my delivery. So all the old stuff that I had there, I was like, oh, that's not really not good. Let me upgrade all of that. So but it's all good. And you know what? I haven't even put the pieces together properly. I've literally just created 1 funnel. Just have to 1 funnel. That's it at the moment.

Sabine Matharu [00:30:55]:
When I when when I need something else, I just create a a a cart page. Mhmm. Just a a checkout page, and then I'll just send it to them. And a Google Doc. Right? Why not using Google Doc? Why why create all these these sales files if if you haven't got a a proven concept. So, yeah, Canva. That's another tool I'm using. I love Canva.

Sabine Matharu [00:31:20]:
I absolutely love Canva. Did you know you can create website with Canva? The empowerment portal, the one that you it's my second part of of the business, which is more corporate training. Actually, I I I created in Canva because I just couldn't be bothered to put it on a website because I wanted to have certain visual elements that I just can't program in, you know, properly. Right now, it's fine, and it's working. Of course, in future, I'll put it up there properly, but right now, it's all fine.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:54]:
It's working. The important thing is getting it out there.

Sabine Matharu [00:31:58]:
Yeah. And and I needed to turn this around quickly because I was moving everything from the old soft software. I had already canceled it, and it was like, oh, okay. I've gotten the 10 days to move everything out of there that I still need. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:12]:
Oh, I love that. What would you say that you're doing that's being bold in the industry? How are you doing things a little different than some of the other coaches?

Sabine Matharu [00:32:25]:
I so what bothered bothered what bothers me in industry is that there's a lot of coaches out there that have lots of hype around them, and they attract a lot of people. But when and I've been in many of their programs myself. But then you are just one person out of 100, and you just don't get the attention. Mhmm. And when you don't get the attention, you don't get your own answers that you need for your own business, and you just stay forever stuck. And that I wanted to create a very different space. Yes. I'm not that guru, and I think I will never be that guru.

Sabine Matharu [00:33:08]:
But you know what? I've been in this game for 10 years, and I've collected so much knowledge. Sometimes even I have more in-depth knowledge than some of these gurus because people come to the calls and they ask, what, webinar system do you use, or what email system can you recommend? And I've got, like, 10 already that I can just recommend. Sometimes I just post in a in the group, and I help people out. And I'm thinking, hang on. I'm not the one being paid here. And and and the the yeah. Those coaches just don't respond because they're so high up on their horse, and I don't wanna be that person. I wanna really kind of be very, grounded and accessible.

Sabine Matharu [00:33:54]:
That's what that's who I am. And and so that's why I create hybrid environments where I know some people actually need one to one coaching. Yes. It may well be a group program with videos that are there so I don't have to repeat myself over and over again because there are some foundational principles. But then when people apply it, all of a sudden they get stuck and, like, oh, I'm not sure about this. Can we have a conversation? So I think that's, yeah, that's where I stand with it.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:23]:
I love that so much. I I've been in a lot of different coaching programs as well. I've been in some of the bigger programs with some of those gurus, and the last few years, I've been doing a lot more. It's still small it's small group mastermind coach led mastermind with, like, 1 on 1 Voxer access to the coach. And then we have, like, a group meeting every, you know, couple times a month. Yeah. And I love that environment. I love being in a group coaching container because I get so much value from the other people in the room.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:58]:
I create good friendships from that, and just hearing the coaching they get a lot of times, will spark ideas for me. So I love that versus just, like, the one on one coaching where you don't have the other the other Yeah. High of the

Sabine Matharu [00:35:12]:
The hybrid is is just brilliant. Yeah. Because yeah. Exactly. As you said, you have a bit of community around you. You can, you know, get feedback. You have sort of buddying system, accountability, and all that, but you still have people look over your shoulders. That that's the main reason why clients come to me.

Sabine Matharu [00:35:30]:
Because, actually, when I do sales call, they ask me, will you be able to look at my landing page? Will you be able to give me feedback on what I'm doing on how to I'm creating the webinar or the slides. And I said, yeah. Exactly. That's the reason why I've structured it this way because I want to see your slides. I want to give you the feedback, and I want to help you tweak. And so much so that my clients, when they launched a webinar, they within like, there was 1 this one lady, she had a client a £3,000 client within 48 hours of pulling that webinar. That's that's how how fine tune

Laura Kåmark [00:36:15]:
we you

Sabine Matharu [00:36:16]:
know, how I I helped her fine tune her message. Although it's not my niche, she was loving relationship coaching. But, obviously, I just put myself into the shoes of a potential client, and I was there was advocate. And I said, well, why would someone wanna buy your stuff and not go to counseling service, which may be for free from the government and all that kind of stuff? And, obviously, she had to then argue with me. So I said, okay. That's all the stuff you need to put into a webinar. Don't you don't have to argue with me about it. But these are the things that people might ask, and they have that in their heads.

Sabine Matharu [00:36:47]:
Like, why should I be buying from you paying 3,000 or £5,000? And what is the what's the other stuff not not giving her? So so those are the sort of the detail that we're actually talking about and the results that we're getting. And I think it's very hard to find people who are really sort of that detailed because a lot of these guru coaches, they can't be bothered. Yeah. I love that subject. Even know.

Laura Kåmark [00:37:11]:
I love that so much. And it is we get so especially when we're creating something, it we get so we're so close to it. It can be so hard to see some of the other things. And from an outside perspective coming in, especially someone who does understand your business and knows what your superpowers are and how you help people and all the things, and then being able to look at it and get their advice and, you know, play devil's advocate with getting you fired up about why this offer is so amazing and how it can help people. I love that so much.

Sabine Matharu [00:37:39]:
I love

Laura Kåmark [00:37:39]:
that you get that to your clients. We I could sit and talk with you all day. This has been so much fun. We are getting close to our time. I do have one question I ask everyone who comes on the podcast, and that is, what is one piece of advice you would give to someone when they are growing and scaling their business to help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves?

Sabine Matharu [00:38:05]:
Keep it simple. Don't overcomplicate. Be true to yourself. Sit down and really think, what's my core what's my my core offering? And and to think about this 80 20 world because 80% of results will come from just 20% of your offer. And and and every time you put a new offer out there, you need to put a lot of time and energy into marketing it as well. Like, a lot of people actually forget about that. Yeah.

Laura Kåmark [00:38:42]:
Oh, I love that. I think that's fantastic advice. Sabine, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners where they can come find out more about you, about your program, and where you hang out?

Sabine Matharu [00:38:53]:
Yep. I'm on Facebook, Sabine Matharu. Obviously, my there's my my personal profile. My business profile is Sabine Matharu, the limitless growth strategist, and I'm also on, Instagram handle. I think it's the same Sabine. Matharu. I think I was very inventive with that. You'll find me on LinkedIn, and I think we'll just, tag a few resources below this podcast and the video.

Sabine Matharu [00:39:25]:
I have a whole resource page. That's all to do with sort of evergreen, webinar, and launch, support. So feel free just to grab anything that you might might need. So some planning toolkits and stuff like that. So, yeah, we'll we'll leave that I'll leave that with you, Laura. Wonderful.

Laura Kåmark [00:39:44]:
I will link all that up in the show notes. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. This was such a fun conversation.

Sabine Matharu [00:39:51]:
Yeah. Likewise. I could talk for ages about this. This is so good. So so geeky, aren't we?

Laura Kåmark [00:40:00]:
Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at And if you're ready to turn your website into a marketing machine, get more sales, save time, and simplify the back end of your business, grab my free resource, power integrations for your website. Head on over to If you enjoyed today's episode, make sure to subscribe. And also, I'll just love you forever if you leave me a review. It helps get this podcast in front of other people that can help inspire. Thanks so much for listening.

Laura Kåmark [00:40:38]:
I'll see you next week. Bye now.