Be Bold, Make Waves with Laura Kåmark

Intentional Movement, Teaching, and Tech for Online Growth with Cindy Goldade of In-Motion Intelligence

Laura Kåmark Episode 79

Meet Cindy:

International Faculty Cindy Goldade, M.Ed, is an interactive adult educator and “graduated” homeschooling mother who brings a playful, yet balanced, whole brain approach to her teaching. She has been using Brain Gym® as a mom and teacher for over 20 years. She lives and breathes this work every day whether teaching a homeschool coop class, volunteering at 4-H or working with clients and family. 

Her gifts include expanding one’s noticing skills while keeping the concepts simple for replication and repetition. Additionally, Cindy is an adjunct professor at University of Wisconsin-River Falls where she teaches Alternative Methods of Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood (Montessori) Literacy Foundations.

Links & Resources:

Grab my free resource, How To Get More Sales From Your Email List On Autopilot at

Ready to take back your time with sales funnels and evergreen systems
that sell on your behalf.  Let's hop on a call and see if working together is a fit.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:00]:
Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Be Bold Make Waves podcast. If you're looking for strategy, systems, list building, and marketing tips to help grow and scale your business with ease, then you are in the right place. I'm your host, Laura Kåmark, an email marketing and tech strategist who works with coaches and consultants who love their work, but not the tech. Join me for conversation packed with actionable insights, strategies, and systems to help you take control of your tech and simplify your business. Let's go ahead and dive in to this week's episode. Hello, and welcome to this week's show. For those of you who don't already know me, I'm Laura Kåmark, Evergreen email strategy systems and setup for coaches and consultants who love their work, but not their tech.

Laura Kåmark [00:00:47]:
I'm so excited to bring you my guest today, Cindy Goldade. International faculty, Cindy, m e d, is an interactive adult educator and graduated homeschooling mother who brings a playful yet balanced whole brain approach to her teaching. She's been using Brain Gym as a mom and teacher for over 20 years. She lives and breathes this work every day, whether teaching a homeschool coop class, volunteering at 4 h, or working with clients and family. Her gifts include expanding one's noticing skills while keeping the concept simple for replication and repetition. Additionally, Cindy is an adjacent professor at the University of Wisconsin River Falls where she teaches alternative methods of early childhood education and early childhood, Montessori, literacy foundations. Cindy, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Can you tell our listeners a little bit about how you got into starting your own business and getting to where you are today?

Cindy Goldade [00:01:50]:
Yeah. It started way back in the last century in 19 nineties when I pursued my master's in education in Montessori. And when I finished that, I wanted to open my own school. So I opened a Montessori school, and a parent went and attended a workshop on Brain Gym, which I had never heard of. And she brought the handouts to me and thought I might be interested, and she was right. I went on to become a licensed Brain Gym instructor, and then I was asked to teach at a university, and that just has taken off. I ended up having my 3rd baby somewhere in there and closed my school, and I teach adults now instead of preschoolers.

Laura Kåmark [00:02:31]:
Oh, I love that. So what exactly is brain gym?

Cindy Goldade [00:02:36]:
Brain Gym is a whole field of kinesiology. So kinesiology is about movement. So it's a educational field where we are using intentional movement to support our brain, to support our thinking, to support our heart connect. And so that means to help us get out of anxiety, to help us move through stress and not be stuck in it, and to help us with our academics. So if we're struggling with reading or with memory or math facts, that there's simple physical movements that we can do to help our eyes, our ears, and our whole body.

Laura Kåmark [00:03:12]:
Oh, I love that so much. And so just to give a little background for our audience, Cindy and I have been working together. She is one of my clients for, oh gosh, now 4 years, 5 years, something like that. And it's been so fun for me as I've been raising small little children to have some of this, you know, as I'm, like, putting things together on the website or doing some of your email sequences of seeing these different techniques and, you know, looking at your YouTube channel, and there's so much amazing information that you've put out there for your audience that is so helpful for me as a mother and for me as just a human. The kid gets into anxiety and all the things, so I love that. When you first started your business, would you say that things look very similar as it does today, or has it evolved a lot?

Cindy Goldade [00:04:03]:
I would say it's evolved a lot. I mean, for one thing, we have computers now. So I started my Montessori school in the 19 nineties when there weren't computers in every house. And then when I learned Brain Gym, that was only in person. I know in my first classes, I didn't even own a cell phone. And then I did get my business name, you know, officially incorporated and everything in 2012, and I got a logo and was working on a website. And I did all of that myself at the beginning. And then I was just sharing with you that I found Shannon Mattern and did her 5 day build your own website challenge, which was a freebie back then, and I recreated my website.

Cindy Goldade [00:04:53]:
And then one of the first things that you and I did together was you remodeled that website and made it much more updated. So the website has changed a lot. And also using YouTube, the first video that I put out there, one of the first ones has the most hits, and it's a in my opinion, it's a terrible video. Bad lighting, bad angle, and yet that has more hits than anything else on my YouTube channel.

Laura Kåmark [00:05:21]:
I think that's such an important point to to touch on is the fact that sometimes our best content, the stuff that has the most value is the stuff that isn't perfectly filmed. It's not perfectly edited. It's the stuff that we did messy and just put it out there the best that we were able to. We got it done and put it there, and now look at

Cindy Goldade [00:05:40]:
it. Right. That's one of my things I've worked really hard on for my own personal development is understanding that my best is good enough, and my best can change every day. It can change every moment that if I'm having a rough time or an emotional time, my best might not be the same as it is when I'm at my optimal.

Laura Kåmark [00:06:00]:
Absolutely. I think that's so so important for us to work on as business owners that that's such an important piece. I mean, I know I work through that all the time where I'm like, done is better than perfect. Just get it done and put it out there. You can always go back and revise later, and a lot of times, you don't have to because it's good enough. No No one no one else notices no one else might even notice the lighting, but we do. You know? So we know what we could do. So I wanna talk a little bit about the tech on the back end of your business.

Laura Kåmark [00:06:33]:
What sorts of technology do you have in place? I know we've worked together on a lot of it. What are some of the things that when you think about your business and you think about tech and you're like, oh, I just I love this functionality of this device or this app.

Cindy Goldade [00:06:47]:
There's some things that I actually understand what I love and some things I have no clue what I love, like Zapier. I know that there are some zaps set up on my website and to automate things. I don't understand how those work, and that's why I have you. But some of the things that we've connected and I know that we use Zaps for is people can schedule appointments with me using Acuity Scheduler, and I'm not having to send 3 or 4 emails back and forth to pick a day and a time and to say, no. That time doesn't work for me. That it just gets done automatically. There's an intake form attached to that. There's payment attached to that because I don't like asking for payment.

Laura Kåmark [00:07:25]:

Cindy Goldade [00:07:26]:
And so it's so nice to have that all automated. And then Acuity Scheduler also is used with my courses. So when people go on my website and see I have a course coming up, they can just check the box and register right there. And, again, that's saving me lots of time on the back end answering all these emails. But emails is the other thing that's all automated and that I also love about some of the things that you've taught me is active campaign and how to get everything into active campaign and how to, you know, send out emails when I'm having a class and send out a mass email telling people about the class. And what goes in the first email? What goes in the second email? What goes in the third one? How do you say thank you for registering? How do you say, oh, did you remember? Here's the Zoom link. So there's just so many things I've learned using, I think, those 3, especially ActiveCampaign, Acuity, Scheduler, Zaps, and Stripe. And so that's the payment processor that goes with all of it.

Laura Kåmark [00:08:30]:
I love all that. Do you remember, what you were doing before we had worked together and when you first came to me? And I I said, well, how do you how do you get people to register for your course or your for your workshops? They weren't courses then. It was live trainings and workshops. And then how like, what was do you remember that workflow?

Cindy Goldade [00:08:47]:
There was no workflow. It was just work slogging. And so it was just all email, and it wasn't set up. There was no automation. It was just doing my best to connect people together and have them say yes to a class. So I had a flyer. I think I would have flyers on the website. But if people didn't know the website, they couldn't find the flyer.

Cindy Goldade [00:09:12]:
It was just a lot of disconnect.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:14]:
Yeah. I remember when you first came to me, and I got so excited because I'm like, oh, I know how I can help you, like, make all these things connect, talk to each other, and I'm like, this is my jam. This is my favorite thing to do. And you're like, oh, good. Please go do this and make it easy because, yeah, it was a lot of manual work, and that's the thing I find a lot with clients is that I mean and you don't know what you don't know. If if you don't know, there's a way to, like, make it all talk so you can just send out, like, hey. Here's a link to a class. Go register, and then everything else happens on the back end when they decide they want to.

Laura Kåmark [00:09:46]:
And all you have to do is kinda do that front end marketing and then, of course, deliver the the class.

Cindy Goldade [00:09:51]:
But But there's a big difference of I can learn anything. I'm a lifelong learner. I could go research it. I can watch YouTubes. I can figure it all out, but that's not my love. That's not my passion. And so I think that's an important piece of what you bring is the offering the ability to outsource and to let you follow your passion so that I can follow my passion.

Laura Kåmark [00:10:18]:
Exactly. You were actually one of the first people I went in and set up the evergreen email nurture sequence for back I think it was about 2 years ago. Mhmm. And that was when I had an offer I was doing, and you're like, I I had posted on social, and you're like, I don't know if I qualify for this because you've already done my website. I'm like, no. I have something we could do. We did a a strategy session together where we talked about kinda what was going on and where you want to go and came up with kind of a marketing game plan for how you your big goal was to get more people in registered for those live trainings you were doing because at that point, you weren't able to do, live trainings or

Cindy Goldade [00:10:58]:
Not able to do online trainings.

Laura Kåmark [00:11:00]:
Right? Because this is before the pandemic. Mhmm. And yeah. And so I was like, we could put together just this evergreen because you had you have so much amazing content. You're such a great writer. You have tons of blog posts, but really being able to go back and put in this evergreen sequence of directing people back to those YouTube videos that are sitting out there. You know, people can still find them, but actually directing people intentionally to those videos and directing people to the different blog posts and telling them about how you help and your different classes that you offer and all that. And so that was really fun for me.

Laura Kåmark [00:11:36]:
I've just I've you're one of my case studies on my, on a presentation I do. I'm like, here's Cindy. Here's what we did.

Cindy Goldade [00:11:43]:
Oh, that's fun. That was new to me to learn what an evergreen nurture sequence is, and and you have a way of setting it up, you know, and giving the worksheet up. Just go write something for this, this, and this times, you know, 20. And then you'll make it all happen, and you'll make it all pretty and put it all in active campaign. And so I do have 4 months of nurture sequence that are fabulous, and then the goal has been to add more. And I've been stuck in that process. I did write the 5th 6 months, but I didn't finish formatting them. And then I keep seeing from some of the people in the network that I've met through you, you know, repurpose.

Cindy Goldade [00:12:25]:
That people don't remember 6 months later that they read it half a year ago. Just send out the same thing again. So I'm getting closer to saying yes to that.

Laura Kåmark [00:12:35]:
I think it's fantastic advice. I mean, I I you're further along in your nurture than I am. I I have a goal. It's a goal to get to a year. But, I mean, they even say I've heard some people are like, just get to 6 months and then take that other year and repurpose it. If you want, you can change the subject lines. Mhmm. But, I mean, if the whole point of evergreen content is it it lasts through the time.

Laura Kåmark [00:12:59]:
It's timeless. It's can be used all year round. It can be used year after year. And so, also, we should all be repeating the same thing over and over and over again until everyone's tired of hearing it, but until we're tired about talking about it.

Cindy Goldade [00:13:13]:

Laura Kåmark [00:13:13]:
Because we need that touch all those touch points.

Cindy Goldade [00:13:17]:
Well, and the thing with the nurture sequence, the way that you help me set mine up is, you know, one email is asking a question so that there's encouraging communication back and forth, and another email is showing your expertise in something. And another email might be, like you said, repurposing a blog post or YouTube video. So it's not that you're always rating a case study or you're always asking them to take a class, that it's different every single time. And if there's 5 of those and if you're doing 2 a week, it's they're not getting the same thing regularly.

Laura Kåmark [00:13:54]:
Yeah. Absolutely. Oh, I love that. I have, another client that I set it up for, and one of her emails is talking about like, hey. Are you looking for a speaker, you know, on your podcast, an expert for your coaching program, someone come into your group, someone, you know, to talk? And she the first time we blasted out to, like, when we sent her whole list through the sequence, she's like, oh my gosh. What's happening? She was getting all these emails. She was getting DMs. She's like, all these people are inviting me to talk to others, speak on their podcast, come speak at the summit, be part of a bundle.

Laura Kåmark [00:14:24]:
She's like, what happened? I'm like, oh, that email probably went out in the in the in the nurture sequence. She's like, oh. And now, I mean, it's still in there, and she still gets those requests, but not quite at that extent because we, you know, put her whole list through it. But, yeah, that was that's a great way for her to be marketing and asking to for more visibility without having to remember to always put that out there. Right.

Cindy Goldade [00:14:47]:
And that just makes me think I had the first time that our email sequence went out, there was a couple times I got all these replies from people, and I'd be like, what are they talking about? And it was related to a story or to, you know, a certain event or a link that I posted an interview or a YouTube or something, and it created all of this interaction. And those would be the ones to go and make sure to repurpose them and use them again because they obviously hit a chord.

Laura Kåmark [00:15:15]:
Exactly. Important. Exactly. And, also, getting those replies from people really helps with your email deliverability. So with that whole update that came out in the start of 2024, this email compliance thing that was just kind of a disaster for people like me, but that's fine. And one of the things that Google wants or the email gods, we'll just call them the email gods in quotes, is they want people to reply to your emails. And that by replying, when someone replies to you, it tells the email gods that I liked that you know, someone like that person liked your content. You're sending out good things.

Laura Kåmark [00:15:52]:
You're not spamming. You're sending out good things that people wanna hear, and they wanna reply back to you. And so getting those replies is super important. And in addition to that, we're building connection because that's really what we're do wanting to do with our email list is build that connection with our audience.

Cindy Goldade [00:16:08]:
Right. Even when stepping outside of the email sequence and just sending out an email about, you know, here's a networking opportunity come together. And if I get, you know, 15 replies to that, even if I don't want to answer each one individually, that's just showing a lot of connections.

Laura Kåmark [00:16:26]:
Exactly. I wanna talk a little bit. You had a a little bit of growth this year in terms of some of your offerings. And can we talk a little bit about what sort of changed there in member vault and all that fun?

Cindy Goldade [00:16:38]:
Yeah. So it's been a big piece of the brain gym field that you were mentioning before the pandemic. Very, resistant to teaching online because this is about movement. So how do you teach movement through a screen? So I've been teaching at the university in a hybrid format for years years, and I was one of the grassroots members in the organization saying, we can do this. We can do it. And so when COVID came, we did it. And I helped rate the policy and the procedures for how to do this, and I taught more in 2020 and 2021 than I'd ever taught in my life. And then I did take a break because my eyes were done.

Cindy Goldade [00:17:17]:
My body was done. Being on screen was a lot. But now in 2024, we are looking at shifting to so if we believe we can teach online, could we teach self paced asynchronously? Could we let people be in charge of their own learning and use pre recordings? And so that is all new. And so I propose this at the international level, and I have a mentor who's also a co teacher with me. And I know the technology piece, and she knows all of the wisdom and history of the last 40 years of this work. And we taught a self paced course that was 32 hours long. And I wanted a place to put this course. And I've always used Google Classroom, and that has always worked well for me, putting all my resources and links and having discussions on there.

Cindy Goldade [00:18:12]:
But I wanted something that was more automated and more user friendly, and so we went with MemberVault. And that was when I had reached out to you after I'd done all my own research and was like, so here's the things I'm thinking of. What do you think? And you threw a whole new ball into the ballgame of this thing called MemberVault. And so now I have paid for lifetime access to MemberVault, and I have a vision of putting a lot of my 2 hour courses on there for people to go and engage asynchronously on their own time. But that all takes time, so that's in the vision model right now.

Laura Kåmark [00:18:55]:
I love that. Yeah. I re that was so I was so excited when I got that email from you saying, like, we can do it. We can finally try this out, and, you know, they're letting us go forward because I know that was something that was kind of a little bit of a thinker for me at the beep when we first started working together because I'm like, well, we can't record anything. Right. It's a big thinker. So that's been so so fun, for me to be following along in that journey and be a part of it. What happened with I wanna talk a little bit about your launch.

Laura Kåmark [00:19:26]:
How did that first launch go for everything?

Cindy Goldade [00:19:30]:
The first launch, I was so I understand a lot more about best practices of online than my co teacher. So I was telling her, we're going to launch before we're ready to launch. Like, we launched at the end of 2020 3, and we told people you can sign up until January 10th. And I set all that up at on my own. I talked with you, but I went ahead and did it. And I had put people into a they could be put into a wait list on ActiveCampaign. I didn't know that I should have been sending myself a wait a celebratory email every time someone joined the wait list. So I had no idea that anyone cared.

Cindy Goldade [00:20:09]:
But we were proceeding forward. We were setting up the member vault. And then I reached out to you and asked for help. I was like, there's just too much to do. I don't understand all of this. I don't know what a webhook is. I don't know how to connect member vault to ActiveCampaign, to Stripe, to my website, to Vimeo, and everything else in between. And so you came in and helped.

Cindy Goldade [00:20:32]:
And I remember the day we were together on Zoom, and you were in my active campaign, and you're like, Cindy, there's, like, 33 people on the wait list. So that was super exciting. That was part of the initial launch is there was a lot of interest. And then once we got the all of the back end set up and we opened up registration, those people all registered. And we had 36 participants in the first ever self paced course for brain jet.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:04]:
Amazing. That's so amazing. I just love it. I, I love it. I mean, you're it's so you have such a, like, a great audience, and there's it's very niche because they're coming to you specifically for Brain Gym. Mhmm. And so then what you're giving them is Brain Gym, and it's just it's very in alignment, and I love that. I it's I love, I love it all.

Laura Kåmark [00:21:26]:
So what is what is next? Like, where where do you see this going? What's kinda your vision?

Cindy Goldade [00:21:32]:
So the vision, we just finished the course. So we offered 4 months for people to finish that course, and then we had a little hiccup at the end. So they actually got a bonus month. And so we have just finished sending out course certificates. And about 32 of the 36 people completed the course. In the process, we gathered 146 case studies. And so now we have all this data to do a meta analysis if we want or if I can find someone that wants to analyze the data and really start building research around so what did this work do for people? What were their outcomes? What did they learn from it? So that would be one branch. And then another branch is to launch the course a second time and to make some changes.

Cindy Goldade [00:22:25]:
So we've already decided moving from MemberVault and using a Google form link for the case studies was a major challenge for many people. If they didn't have Gmail accounts, they couldn't get into the case study. I hadn't set up the tick boxes correctly, and so they didn't get a copy of what they submitted. So they never knew if it worked or not. There was just a lot of challenges. And now that I understand MemberVault, we could do the case study form right inside MemberVault as a quiz. Oh. They can submit essays.

Cindy Goldade [00:23:00]:
They could submit upload a file document. There's so much possibility to just have them stay right where they're supposed to be. And so I think for the second time, we're going to do everything in MemberVault and avoid I mean, people were so happy with the class, but they were not happy with the Google form. So that would be you know, that's the 2nd branch. And then the 3rd branch of my vision, because I have the all access lifetime access to MemberVault is to put other courses on there. And I've already recorded. I taught a class in person this spring, and somebody ran an iPad and recorded the entire 24 hours. And so I have all the recordings to edit and make a self paced course for the introductory range of material.

Cindy Goldade [00:23:49]:
And then the other goal is to teach just the movements online. So there's a lot of possibilities to use my all member access.

Laura Kåmark [00:23:59]:
Oh, I love that. Well, in your sub I mean, there's I'm thinking, like, how we we were talking before we hit record about, like, repurposing content and all that fun stuff. And, I mean, there's a lot of even just snippets of that you could also put on YouTube. Mhmm. Oh, man. I remember when we were doing some project together because we've done a lot of things over the years, and I went and was, like, searching around on your YouTube. I'm like, do you realize you have a video over here that's got, like, some crazy thousand number of hits compared to, like, the other ones? I'm like, do you know this? Yeah. That was the old

Cindy Goldade [00:24:35]:
video that I'm so embarrassed of, and we discussed it. And we said, you you told me you cannot take that down. Like, that's got so many hits.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:43]:
Nope. It's good. Leave it. You can rerecord it if you want, but don't take that one. Duh. Yeah. Yeah. It's, okay.

Laura Kåmark [00:24:51]:
So that was the one. Yeah. It's crazy. YouTube is something else. I'm trying to figure out a little more of the YouTubing. It's interesting because I'll have, like, one of my a training email I wanna send out. I'm like, oh, I'll just put together a quick training. No big deal.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:05]:
It'll just take me, you know, 4 hours. But in my mind, it'll just take a few minutes. But I'm like, okay. So I need to record the training. That's easy. Okay. Now I need to write the email that it goes with, and I need to upload the video to well, actually, I should be putting it on YouTube, not on Vimeo or Loom or anywhere else. It really should go on YouTube.

Laura Kåmark [00:25:23]:
Okay. So now I have it on YouTube, and I need to have the YouTube description. I need to link everything together. I also need to make a blog post on it. Have that link there. Also have the steps all written out.

Cindy Goldade [00:25:34]:
It is so much, and that's you know, parceling out some of those bigger recordings and bigger videos into little snippets and little reels is also part of my vision because I was doing that for my dad this spring. He was struggling with anxiety, And there was things we were teaching in this course and videos that I knew were out there, but they were an hour long. Yeah. You know, and too long. So then I would just grab a few minutes of it and send it to him of here. Just watch this. And those would be little pieces to repurpose in small chunks as teasers. I know in MemberVault, they call that teaser modules, which I haven't figured out yet.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:14]:
I I'm I'm really glad you went with MemberVault. MemberVault, I I've been with them for a number of years. I am in the process of moving to ThriveCart Learn only because ThriveCart Learn was a onetime payment. Mhmm. And I was gonna use it for my checkout cart anyway, but I I love MemberVault. They are such a fantastic company. I really appreciate, like, their values. It's a husband and wife owned and operated team, and their Facebook group is so supportive.

Laura Kåmark [00:26:42]:
And when there's something that goes wrong, a miss anything tech, like, it's tech. Stuff breaks. Like, it just it is what it is. You gotta take it all with a grain of salt. They are so communicative with their community, and I find that really hard to find in in in the world. Not just the online space, but it's oftentimes, companies don't do that.

Cindy Goldade [00:27:03]:
And they answer right away. So at the end of this course that I launched this spring, there was a little bit of a hiccup that we had set up an automation to remove people from the class, and it ended up being 3 days before they were supposed to be removed. So the class was all having a fit. And you were out of the country, off the grid, and so I didn't know what to do. And I was stuck. So I wrote to the help right away and said, something's wrong in member vault. And it kicked everyone out. And they wrote back right away and they said, we went and looked and it's there's no one else having this.

Cindy Goldade [00:27:38]:
It is just you, and it must be in your email program. And so that was what sent me to find the solution that then I went and looked. And I was like, so I know what's wrong. I don't know how to fix it, but I can go in a member vault and manually fix it myself. And so they helped me with all of that all within an hour. I mean, it was so fast.

Laura Kåmark [00:27:59]:
Yeah. That's amazing. It's it really says something about a company when they have such great support for their people. You know? Oh, I could talk about all this tech stuff all day long. But I wanna talk a little bit more about some of the mindset hurdles that you've overcome in all these years since last century when you started your business.

Cindy Goldade [00:28:23]:
There's a lot of mindset that goes into this. When I started this work, I was one of the younger people. I was in my thirties. And now I'm in my fifties, and I'm no longer one of those younger people. But it's taken a a lot of effort and conscious thinking to believe in myself and to know, oh, I'm one of the wiser ones now. I've I've been around the block. I mean, even just as we were talking, I'm an empty nester now. I don't have kids at home.

Cindy Goldade [00:28:53]:
I'm in a different season of life. I remember those days when kids don't wanna go to camp, and they don't wanna get up in the morning, and they don't wanna follow your schedule. And so things change, and having that ability to believe in yourself and have confidence is huge. And the mantra that I already said, my best is good enough, is really an important one to me, a perfectionist type a personality who wants everything to be a 100%.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:22]:
I love that. I've always appreciated, since we've worked together that you're one of the people one of my clients who, like, roll her sleeves up and, like, get her hands dirty in the tech, and I love that. I love working with clients, because my whole thing is I want my clients to feel empowered to go in and make changes to things, to go in and do stuff, to not feel that, like, you know, I'm the only one that can do that. I want them to feel empowered to do that, and I've always loved that you're one of those clients that falls in that, like, I can do it. I can't you know, the can do attitude. Don't get me wrong. I also love the clients who are like, no. It's okay, Laura.

Laura Kåmark [00:29:51]:
You just take care of it. I don't wanna touch it. I could, but I just don't want to. And that's fine too. But

Cindy Goldade [00:29:58]:
No. I really loved when you did all the back end parts of the member vault and connecting it to all the programs because I would sit down and just be stuck every day that I did my best to do that. I'd be like, there's too many dots, and I don't know which one comes first and how they go. And I told my co teacher, this will be the best money we spend because she can do way more in 4 hours than I can do in 4 days. And we were right. I mean, you and I just sat there that whole 4 hours and just got it done. If you needed something written, I sat there and wrote it right then, and we got it all done. And you made placeholders in the automations, and it doesn't matter that I didn't actually rate those ever yet.

Laura Kåmark [00:30:43]:
Okay. You know? That is better than perfect. That's right. It's you know? Oh, that's funny. Yep. It's there for when you're ready for it.

Cindy Goldade [00:30:53]:
Well, that's just it. Automations can be duplicated, and so it's there. And I knew when there was a problem that I didn't wanna go and change anything that was already there. I was like, no. I think we just want a new automation, and I I think I just wanna wait.

Laura Kåmark [00:31:12]:
We'll get it all sorted. Yep. What would you say you're doing in the that's being bold in your industry? Which I think we already kinda touched on, but that's okay.

Cindy Goldade [00:31:22]:
Yeah. I think the the biggest thing is that I believe in the power of learning through the screen and that I'm willing to go and learn how to do it. And I take classes on best practices for online teaching, and I'm helping teach and coach my colleagues in this work that we can do it and to use action based research to prove it so that I'm I'm grabbing testimonials. I'm sending out evaluations. I'm collating the data into pie charts and graphs and showing people you know, we had 92% that really loved this format, and then we had a couple that said, I would never do that again. And, you know, one even said, I don't want a course certificate. I didn't watch a thing. I paid the money, and I know this was not for me.

Cindy Goldade [00:32:13]:
That's what I learned with that payment. So I think that's one of the bold things I'm doing is just letting people know there's many ways to get to the end result. And do I still like to teach in person? Sure. There's many benefits to being in the same room together, but I would never be on your podcast if you only did them in person.

Laura Kåmark [00:32:37]:
This is true. I know. I I get people all the time. They're like, you know, we'll do work you know, people who aren't online, like, people I meet in per in real life in person, they're like, so who do you work with? I'm like, they're mostly online. You a lot of East Coasters. It's rare I work with people in California or on my time zone for whatever reason, but I'm like, they're I work with people all over the states, all over Canada, all over the all over the world. I mean, I've had clients in other countries. It's I love the beauty that being able to be on a Zoom call has, like, brought us all together in a way that we can run our businesses from home and still reach people all over? Because, I mean, you've been reaching people in other countries for years now.

Cindy Goldade [00:33:22]:
Right. So during COVID, when I taught so much in 2020 and 2021, I had people from every continent. I had people getting up at 2 in the morning to take a class and being on Zoom from 2 to 5 in the morning. And, you know, this would have never happened until we created new policy to be able to teach online. So there's there's a lot of benefits to being on screen. There's also a lot of challenges when you're teaching movements. You know, how do I get you to move that shoulder when you don't even know what your shoulder is not doing and I can see it? And how do I use words and and model that for you? So is it easy? Not necessarily, but it's not easy to be in person either. Things happen in person just as much as they do online.

Laura Kåmark [00:34:12]:
Oh, I love that. What would you say that you are most proud of when it comes to your business? Something we could celebrate, something that you're really like, I'm really proud I did that. I've accomplished this.

Cindy Goldade [00:34:26]:
Well, I've spent the last 5 years working with 2 other ladies rerating the in-depth course manual for Brain Gym, and that is the course that we just taught for 4 months this year in a self paced format using recordings, meeting on Zoom for 2 hours at a time for 4 months as a way for people to still come together and be in the room together on Zoom. And so I think that is what I am most recently the most proud of. But it's all of the different online things that I have been really the one pushing that and encouraging it and creating the procedures to make it be safe and effective.

Laura Kåmark [00:35:15]:
I love that. Cindy, I could sit here and talk to you all day long, and I'm so excited because even after this, we're gonna have another call and chitchat about other things. Can you I have one question I ask everyone who comes on the podcast, and that is what is one piece of advice you would give someone when they are growing and scaling their business that would help them be bolder, be louder, and make waves?

Cindy Goldade [00:35:41]:
I already said it, but my one piece of advice would be use action based research to validate what you know and to be able to prove it to others. And so often, it involves doing hard things. It involves being bold. It involves really setting a firm foundation, but then gather the testimonies, gather the data, reflect, figure out what could I do different. You know? How could I fix that one challenge that I had and make the next time better than this time? It's kind of like the 4 h model, make the best better.

Laura Kåmark [00:36:20]:
Oh, I love that. And I think that's fantastic advice, and it makes me realize I probably need to be going back and doing more data collecting than I do on things, but that's okay. Cindy, this was so much fun. Where can everyone find you? Where can they check out your course if they're like, this Brain Gym thing sounds so interesting, whether they're a teacher, a Montessori teacher, you know, in person teacher, a mom, a where can they come find out more?

Cindy Goldade [00:36:50]:
There's a few places to find me. My the primary place would be my website, which is In Motion Intelligence. So in hyphen motion intelligence dot com. And my YouTube is my name, Cindy Goldani. And on there, there's playlist for, of movement meetups that I did during COVID. Little 15 minutes segments of here. If your eyes hurt from being on the screen all the time, let's do this. Here, if you haven't moved enough, let's do this.

Cindy Goldade [00:37:19]:
And then also Facebook. So my my page on Facebook is In Motion Intel.

Laura Kåmark [00:37:27]:
Wonderful. And I will link all those up in the show notes. Thank you so much for coming on the show today. This was such a fun conversation.

Cindy Goldade [00:37:34]:
You are so welcome. Thanks for having me.

Laura Kåmark [00:37:37]:
Thanks so much for listening to this week's episode. Be sure to check out the show notes at And if you're ready to get more sales without more work, save time so you can focus on the work that you do love, and automate and simplify the back end of your business, grab my free resource, how to get more sales from your email list on autopilot. Head on over to And don't forget to follow the show and leave a review in your favorite podcast app. It helps get this show in front of other business owners who want to grow and scale with ease. Thanks again for listening. I'll see you in the next episode.

Laura Kåmark [00:38:20]:
Bye now.